Hillary for SC
2 min readDec 17, 2015

SC Military Leaders and Local Officials Back Hillary Clinton’s Plan to Protect U.S. From Terrorist Threats

A number of prominent South Carolina military leaders and local officials have endorsed Hillary Clinton’s plan to bolster homeland security. In remarks yesterday on the campus at the University of Minnesota, Clinton laid out a “360-degree strategy to keep America safe”– a plan for protecting the homeland from terrorist threats, including domestic radicalization. Her plan would seek to counter terrorists from every angle and stop every step in the process that could lead to another San Bernardino-type incident, from recruitment to training to planning attacks.

Her homeland security plan is just one element of the three-pronged strategy that she laid out at the Council for Foreign Relations last month for defeating ISIS and combating terrorism globally.

“With the growing threat of ISIS, Hillary Clinton is focused on defending our country and preventing radicalization. She will defeat ISIS in cyberspace and stop terrorists from buying weapons here so jihadists don’t have access to the tools they need to carry out attacks,” said Ernest “Chip” Finney, III, Third Circuit Solicitor of South Carolina.

“Hillary Clinton is committed to quashing any threat ISIS poses to the United States. I strongly believe in her comprehensive plan to defeating ISIS, which includes shutting down recruitment, bolstering law enforcement to help disrupt Jihadist plots, and empowering Muslim-American communities in fighting against radicalization,” said Dan Johnson, Solicitor for the Fifth Judicial Circuit of South Carolina and Major in the SC Air National Guard.

“With her experience and foresight, Hillary Clinton is uniquely qualified to defeat ISIS as our Commander-in-Chief. She’s developed a comprehensive plan to address not only ISIS, but also the broader radical Jihadist movement that includes al Qaeda,” said LTG (Ret.) Claudia Kennedy.

“Protecting our country from attacks and terrorism is of paramount importance. I’m proud to say that South Carolinians — specifically the National Guard’s 263rd Air Defense Artillery Brigade — continue to play a critical role in defending our nation from terrorist attacks. Hillary Clinton is the most qualified choice to serve as our next Commander-in-Chief and keep our country safe,” said Anderson Mayor Terence Roberts.

“It’s not enough that we contain ISIS — Hillary Clinton wants to defeat them, and she’s laid out a comprehensive plan to fight against radical jihadism. With Hillary as our next president, she’ll work to eliminate the threat of ISIS in the Middle East, around the world, and right here at home,” said Rep. James E. Smith, Major SC Army National Guard.

“When it comes to national security, we have to be certain the right person is in place to make tough and decisive decisions- the best candidate to lead our country as Commander-in-Chief is Hillary Clinton. She is prepared to stop the threat of homegrown radicalization and destroy ISIS across the globe,” said MG (Ret.) Abraham J. Turner.


For Immediate Release, December 17, 2015

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