Hillary for SC
2 min readSep 28, 2015


South Carolinians Applaud Clinton’s Focus on Strengthening Affordable Care Act

Columbia, SC — After Hillary Clinton proposed plans to make prescription drugs more affordable and lower out-of-pocket health care costs, South Carolinians praised Clinton’s plans to defend and strengthen the Affordable Care Act. This past week, Governor Howard Dean, a physician, campaigned for Clinton across South Carolina to echo her calls for expanding Medicaid in South Carolina for an estimated 250,000 people.

Clinton’s plan centers on lowering deductibles and copays so Americans can see rising take-home pay, while enacting critical protections for consumers against unfair premium hikes and other abuses. It would require all plans to provide three sick visits without counting toward deductibles every year as well as a new, progressive refundable tax credit of up to $5,000 per family for high out-of-pocket health care costs. Clinton also believes we can lower drug costs by promoting competition and leveraging our nation’s bargaining power.

Here’s what South Carolinians are saying about Clinton’s plans to strengthen the ACA:

“I admire Hillary for her work on issues like health care and infant mortality. She wants every family to have access to good health care, a good education, and a good job. She means what she says, and that’s why she needs to be our next president,” said Williamsburg County Councilwoman Jeanie Brown-Burrows.

“Our next president needs to continue working to strengthen Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act. There are plenty of people who want to take us backwards, which is why we need someone to stand up for working people that depend on this law. There’s no question that Hillary is ready for that job. She’s been working for decades to ensure all Americans have access to affordable care,” said Rep. Harold Mitchell.

“Too many families struggle with high prescription drug costs and out of packet health care expenses. Hillary Clinton has smart ideas to ensure hardworking families see the health care savings they deserve,” said Joseph V. Sakran, MD, MPH, MPA of Mt. Pleasant and a member of “Health Care Professionals for Hillary.”

“Hillary Clinton will work with South Carolinians to expand Medicaid. She will fight tirelessly to ensure those uninsured in our state finally have access to the critical care they need,” said Senator John Scott, a Member of the Senate Medical Affairs Committee.

“No one has fought harder than Hillary Clinton for quality, affordable health care. Even when Congress initially defeated health care reform, Hillary Clinton worked to create the Children’s Health Insurance Program, which now provides coverage to millions of children. We need her tenacity to continue to build on President Obama’s progress,” said Brenda Williams, FACHE Vice President of Strategy & Compliance the Regional Medial Center Orangeburg and a member of “Health Care Professionals for Hillary.”

For Immediate Release, September 28, 2015
Contact: sformas@hillaryclinton.com

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Hillary for SC

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