$Hippo Inu Partners with Solid Proof to Audit the Smart Contract

2 min readJun 24, 2022


We are delighted to declare to the entire Community, our organization with Solid Proof to review the hippo inu savvy contract, the review report is connected after key security and appraisal on their authority GitHub index.

Smart Contract Audit

A smart agreement review is a broad purposeful assessment and investigation of a smart agreement’s code that is utilized to connect with cryptographic money or block chain. This cycle is directed to find blunders, issues, and security weaknesses in the code to recommend enhancements and ways of fixing them. By and large, savvy contract reviews are important, on the grounds that the vast majority of the agreements manage monetary resources as well as significant things.
Solid Proof survey whether there are conceivable security blunders in the $HIPPO contract, and on the off chance that there are any mistakes in the report of the agreement is join, they have portrayed in a report what issues basic, medium and generally safe, Solid proof outside review give an opportunity us to work on the security of ventures of the entire local area in the impending presale of hippo inu.

Final Results of Audit Report

Audit Results

Critical Issues (no critical issues found)
High Issues (no high issues found)
Medium Issues (no medium issues found)

Solid Proof was established as a local area-driven organization, and they need to thank our local
area for being so steady! Solid proof is Security Audits, DeFi Trust Made in Germany.

Solid Proof-Social media

Hippo Inu

Hippo Inu is a decentralized financial payment network that rebuilds the traditional payment
stack on the blockchain. Hippo Inu giving you an opportunity with staking on multiple pools in
which which includes the pooling of hash rate in a Proof of Work (PoW) blockchain. Hippo Inu
has great length of key features you can create your own token with just few clicks, set up your
staking pool without having block chain knowledge governance to empower community rights
that not it one of the unique characteristics of hippo inu is cross chain liquidity aggregate
protocol, and that’s the protocol which encounters the issue by aggregating liquidity resources
from multiple decentralized exchanges and their cross chain pools. You can list your content in
NFT’s market place in which likewise offers NFT exchanging on numerous stages to give
admittance to its clients to bigger and more assorted commercial centers on crypto. The utility
token for Hippo Inu is $HIPPO, a local token for the Hippo Inu stage serving as a cash all
through. All installments and prizes on the stage are as $HIPPO.

Social Links

Whitelist Link: https://hippoinu.io/whitelist

