HireBits is different: Analytics, blockchain & ICOs

2 min readNov 22, 2017


There are hundreds of startups that are trying to solve the problem of matching people and their ideal jobs. Many of them are just job boards with keyword searches. Others like LinkedIn follow a different approach, equating transparency with match quality.

HireBits is different.

HireBits, we believe, pushes the envelope in matching accuracy with a unique approach to Analytics. It is conceived from the get go as a self-service platform where users can accomplish most things with zero-touch. Hence, the inclusion of chatbots in the roadmap (hopefully, the bots won’t start talking like irate government employees).

Our comprehensive parametrization exercise now boasts of classifications for more than 8000 companies. We will have more than 20,000 companies by the time we go live.

This classification is directly related to the quality of our matching results.

Another important dimension is the blockchain. Both blockchain and smart contracts find a positive place in the 2017 Hype Cycle. Needless to say, blockchain solutions are appearing in every corner. Everyone wants to do things on the blockchain. A lot of the solutions being built on blockchains are merely ‘making hay while the sun shines’.

Again, HireBits is different.

HireBits has specific use cases where blockchain is the best technology bet. As a platform, our primary role is to create and foster ‘trust’ among the different players in our ecosystem. We also have a commitment to deliver accurate matches, which comes with serious asks on the credibility of our data. HireBits also enables gigs, ensuring timely payments on completion through smart contracts.

A mechanism for arbitration is built in…. trust.

ICOs and token sales are all the rage today. Every Tom, Dick, and Harry is running an ICO, asking for a few million dollars from people around the world. Of course, some of these projects deserve such large caps. Most don’t. As we write this, there is an ICO for a similar project with a subset of features that we are building, that has already raised as much as 6 times what we have as a cap and trying to raise over $5 million.

Here too, we are different.

We recognize that funding a startup is risky. Which is why we are trying to raise no more than absolutely necessary to build our platform.

Contrary to the popular opinion that you can build nothing worthwhile with fewer than $1 million, we respectfully disagree. In this side of the pond, 350 ETH will help us recruit great, committed developers and other talent for a couple of years.

Irrespective of whether we succeed in our efforts or not, we hope that an initiative like this serves as a positive reminder that technology and business ecosystems can evolve frugally.

