Save AWS EC2 Cost by Automatically Stopping Idle Instance Using Lambda and CloudWatch

Hiroki Nakayama
4 min readSep 3, 2018


In machine learning, especially deep learning, GPU is often used to train machine learning models. In the most cases, GPU instances on the cloud services are selected by engineers because they are easier to prepare. But since the GPU instance is expensive, it is a waste of cost if you leave it running when the state of the instance is idle. In such a case, you can significantly reduce the cost by automatically stopping the instance.

First, we will attach a CloudWatch alarm to an EC2 instance when the state of the instance becomes “running”. The alarm monitors some metrics and automatically stops the instance when the alarm is raised. In order to implement these behaviors, we will use AWS Lambda and CloudWatch. Both services are serverless, so we don’t have to care about their operation and maintenance. The overview is as follows:

This tutorial is divided into 3 parts; they are:

  • Create an IAM role
  • Create Lambda function
  • Create CloudWatch Event

Let’s get started.

Create an IAM Role

Let’s create a role that can access to EC2 instance from the Lambda function.

Move to the “Create IAM role” page and select Lambda in “Choose the service that will use this role” and click “Next: Permissions” button:

Then select the policy to attach to the role. Since I want to access to the EC2 instance from Lambda function, I will attach “Amazon EC2 Full Access” policy. After select the policy, click “Next: Review” button. If you want to set only the minimum permission, Create a policy yourself and attach it:

After input the role name, select “Create role” button to create the role. Here, the role is named “AWSLambdaEC2FullAccess”.

Create a Lambda function

Next we will create a Lambda function. In the Lambda function, we do two things:

  • Get the EC2 instance ID
  • Create an alarm and attach it to the EC2 instance

After moving to the Lambda page, you should set the function setting as follows. Here, you must select the previously created role as existing role:

After creating the function, we need to write some code in Python. Use boto3 package to get the instance id and create the CloudWatch alarm and attach it to the instance. It can be written as follows.

import boto3

def put_cpu_alarm(instance_id):
cloudWatch = boto3.client('cloudwatch')
AlarmName = f'CPU_ALARM_{instance_id}',
AlarmDescription = 'Alarm when server CPU does not exceed 10%',
AlarmActions = ['arn:aws:automate:us-east-1:ec2:stop'],
MetricName = 'CPUUtilization',
Namespace = 'AWS/EC2' ,
Statistic = 'Average',
Dimensions = [{'Name': 'InstanceId', 'Value': instance_id}],
Period = 300,
EvaluationPeriods = 3,
Threshold = 10,
ComparisonOperator = 'LessThanOrEqualToThreshold',
TreatMissingData = 'notBreaching'

def lambda_handler(event, context):
instance_id = event['detail']['instance-id']
ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2')
instance = ec2.Instance(instance_id)
if instance.instance_type.endswith('xlarge'):

put_cpu_alarm function creates a CloudWatch alarm and attach it to the specified instance. The alarm monitors the CPU utilization on the instance and stops the instance when it reaches the utilization threshold (below 10%) 3 times in a row. Let's change this setting according to your own environment. I think that the materials listed below are useful.

lambda_handler is the entry point to be invoked when it detects the running of the instance. Internally, we get the instance type, and call put_cpu_alarm if the instance type name is ends with xlarge. If you want to attach the alarm only to a specific instance type, change the condition in if statement.

In this time, I selected CPU utilization as the monitoring metrics, but you can also monitor GPU utilization by adding custom metrics. The method is detailed in the following documents.

Create CloudWatch Events

Finally, let’s set up to call the Lambda function when we detect running the instance. After moving to the Lambda function page, let’s select “CloudWatch Events” in “Add triggers”.

After adding the trigger, select the CloudWatch Events you added. Then you will see a form for setting the trigger at the bottom of the page. After selecting “Create New Rule”, set it as follows. By setting like this, you can call the Lambda function when the instance starts up.


In this tutorial, you discovered how to automatically stop an EC2 instance when the state is idle.

Specifically, you learned:

  • How to create an IAM role.
  • How to create a Lambda function.
  • How to create CloudWatch alarm.

Do you have any questions?
Ask your questions in the comments below and I will do my best to answer.




Hiroki Nakayama

Open source developer. Interested in machine learning and natural language processing. GitHub: