HistoryDAO December Monthly Report

3 min readJan 11, 2024


Key Takeaways

In December, HistoryDAO continued to witness and record current events in both Web3 and real-world domains.

We will continue to record major events in the world, and also actively invite community users to record interesting anecdotes that happen around them to continue the growth of our NFT market.

NFT Market Overview

As the price of mainstream BTC currencies increased, market sentiment was once high, ushering in a new wave of enthusiasm centered on inscriptions, stimulating the positive progress of the NFT market.

Total Market Cap, Sales Volume and Total Sales of the previous month. (source: CoinMarketCap)
NFT Sales Volume trend. (source: DefiLlama)
NFT Trades trend. (source: DefiLlama)

Compared with last month, the overall NFT market transaction volume has increased significantly. What is exciting is that on Christmas Day, the NFT market trader activity reached its peak for this quarter, with more than 50k active traders engaging in transactions. This milestone signifies that the NFT market is ushering in a new round of vitality.


Delving deeper into our own platform, this section provides a data-driven perspective on our growth, community engagement, and the performance of our native token, $HAO.

Community Data

  • Twitter: 83,599 followers
  • Telegram: 53,710 members
  • Discord: 29,503 members

Minted NFTs

$HAO Token

$HAO is the native token of our platform, it symbolizes the value and trust our community places in us.

As the market rose, $HAO experienced a 22.2% increase on December 9, reaching its highest price this month at 0.00247.
At the time of writing this monthly report, $HAO had a market cap of $44,924.

Check $HAO on different block explorers:

All the above are reports about HistoryDAO in December!

About HistoryDAO

HistoryDAO is where the world records history in Web3.

The Web3 community comes together on the HistoryDAO platform to mint historic and current events immutably on the blockchain to be preserved — unchanged and unwavering — as history NFTs.

The decentralization and democratization of history with blockchain and NFT technology is governed by you, the DAO, the people.

Write, record, analyze, adjudicate, and mint our world as it unfolds across the globe every day with HistoryDAO and history NFTs.

More Info:

Website | Twitter (𝕏) | Telegram | Discord | Linktree

