3 min readAug 19, 2022


There are numerous baseball hitting drills out there in web land. As a matter of fact, underneath is the best gathering of hitting drills you’ll find. In this rundown of recordings of the best baseball hitting drills you’ll see my number one drills. The drills that I believe are the best baseball hitting drills, so you all can have a center point on where to go to find and carry out into your hitting schedules.


#1 — The Catch and Crush Hitting Drill

The Catch and Crush Hitting Drill is one of the most outstanding baseball hitting drills since it fixes so many of the normal issues that I see with youthful hitters. By getting the baseball and keeping it over the tee, the hitter will figure out how to keep his chest area shut, while his lower body begins to open. This makes force and force makes power! Attempt this hitting drill and you will cherish it!

#2 — The Barry Larkin Drill

I call this one The Barry Larkin Drill since, well… I took it from Barry Larkin! Thus, when you instruct this to your players, you ought to present it as The John Madden Drill, since I realize you will take this one! Barry was utilizing this drill while working with Rickie Weeks and Dee Gordon at the office I train at. Believe it or not, I can drop names as well as anyone. Moving right along, I present The Barry Larkin, John Madden, Insert Your Name Here Drill.

#3 — The Key West Drill (otherwise known as Under Water Swings)

I realized this drill when I was around 12 years of age and I always remembered it since in light of the fact that I utilized another bat and when my mom saw my pristine, RUSTED, water washing around inside bat, bat, you can have confidence that memory latched onto my subconscious mind. This hitting drill is extraordinary in light of the fact that it works every one of the little muscles and advances security in the abs, legs, arms, lower arms, and wrists, It likewise shows the hitter how significant ground force is and getting past the baseball. While playing out this drill, simply ensure you’re not utilizing your new bat and assuming you do, make a point to conceal it from mother!

#4 — Pro Hitting Drills Progression

There are many drills in this video however I need to bring up a couple of them. In general, this is an extraordinary hitting drills movement, yet the best baseball hitting drills in this video are the “Strolling Happy Gilmore” and “Calculated Toss”. Watch Miami Marlins player Santiago Rodriguez (same story, different day) as he goes through this hitting movement.

#5 — Skater Swings

Any ice skaters in the house? This drill will assist you with being a superior hockey player without a doubt! It will likewise help you a tad with your baseball swing. The entire thought behind the Skater Swings is that the hitter will keep his knees within his lower legs, subsequently providing him with the sensation of making ground force in a swing. The more a hitter can become acclimated to this inclination, the more power and equilibrium his swing will be. Also he’ll be a monster on the ice!

Author: ZaneWiller

#hobbybaseball #zanewillerhobbybaseball #zanewiller

Read More: https://hobbybaseball.com/hitting-baseball-drills/





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