Lesson #4: Make Sure To Celebrate The Moments Like They Are Decades

Andrew Hochradel
2 min readSep 2, 2020

Learned from Jordan & Kelli Ayotte

I have a weakness for chocolate donuts and moscato white wine. I know it’s an unlikely combination, but somehow, for me, it’s become the marker of an accomplishment or celebration. I have two long-term friends who have been with me through my full time job, the transition to starting an agency, and my transition into full-time freelance.

They were always there for late night talks on the couch as I freaked out about how I would make it or if there would be enough work to sustain my dreams. Most nights, I sat in fear of the future.

They always reminded me to celebrate the present.

Kelli and Jordan Ayotte are the most creative people I know. Not just in their style or products, but in the way they find the celebration and joy in any small thing. There have been casual screenings of Aladdin where magic carpets were laid out, themed snacks were available, and costumes were encouraged.

Jumping to freelance can be a lonely jump. You don’t have to have a community that jumps with you, but it’s important to find someone on the way down. The Ayottes were waiting, mid-fall, with donuts, wine, and Taco Bell, for late nights of YouTube binging. We celebrated the big contracts and the product launches, but more importantly, we celebrated the ‘every days’. A casual project would become a grand affair.

They have supported me on the hard days and pushed me on the easy ones.

So the next time that you lay out a memo with a perfect type hierarchy, or the next tweet that gets 10 likes, grab some chocolate donuts, some moscato white wine, find your community, and celebrate.

My Takeaway:
It’s become less about celebrating accomplishments and more about celebrating progress.

