How to Use the Name Changing Token NCT.

The Crypto Hodlers NFT
4 min readJan 25, 2022


A step-by-step guide.

Hello Hodlers! We offer you a unique opportunity to change the name of your token, so we are delighted to present you a step-by-step guide.

By the way, you can learn more about NCT by following the link:


  • Go to the website navigation bar at the top of the Hodler Website and click the MY WALLET option.
  • A new page with the MetaMask logo should pop up. Click the CONNECT WALLET button.
  • Your MetaMask browser extension should populate in the top righthand corner of your screen prompting you to select an account and then continuing by clicking the button NEXT.


  • In your wallet page you will want to click the CHANGE NAME button on the righthand side of the screen.

Renaming one of your tokens is charged 200 NCT, so in order to successfully perform a rename operation you need to have in your wallet at least 200 NCT. If you do not have enough NCT you can easily get them by clicking on the line GET MORE NCT UNISWAP.

  • After clicking CHANGE NAME button a sign will appear showing the 2 stages of the renaming process APPROVE and CHANGE NAME and also the rules you need to follow in order for your new name to be recorded.

The new name should follow the validation rules below:

  • No name can be identical to another already in use
  • There is a limit of 25 characters (including spaces)
  • Uniqueness is case insensitive (i.e. “John” and “john” are considered the same for the blockchain)
  • There are no leading or trailing «spaces»
  • Only alphanumerical symbols are eligible for use. No dashes, hyphens, or other key symbols
  • The new name will immediately appear after metadata refreshes
  • Any name that contains profanity will not be validated

Once you have read and followed all the rules presented, write the name for your token in the row NEW NAME at the bottom of the sign and then click CHANGE NAME button.

  • After you have chosen a name for your token and clicked CHANGE NAME you will get two transactions that are required to be signed. The first transaction is APPROVE which allows the smart contract to access up to 200 NCT on your wallet to use it for a transaction. It will appear in the top righthand corner of your screen giving you the details of the transaction, the estimated gas fee, and the total amount. To confirm the transactions and continue the process of renaming click the button CONFIRM.
  • After following the steps above, you will see a green icon ✅ on the first stage APPROVE.
  • The second transaction is CHANGE NAME, a direct change process that charges 200 NCT and carries out the operation itself. It will appear in the top righthand corner of your screen giving you the details of the transaction. Click the CONFIRM button to confirm the transaction and continue the renaming process.
  • After clicking the CONFIRM button, in the next sign you will immediately see two stages with a green icon ✅ It will also appear a green icon near SUCCESS stage what means that all the conditions are met and your token has been successfully renamed.

Congratulations! So the name of your token has been successfully renamed on the blockchain. It may take some time for the metadata to be updated on OpenSea, so if you want to skip this waiting process, you can do it yourself. All you need to do is to refresh the token page on the marketplace.

NOTE! All transactions that change or update something on the blockchain charge gas fees, so we kindly recommend renaming tokens at low gas.

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