Leaked Holdeman Conference Minutes: Unmanly Socks, YouTube, and Nudity on Pinterest Covered in Nonconformity Discussion

The Holdeman Reporter
12 min readNov 18, 2022


Photo by Elisa Calvet B. on Unsplash

“The dresses of our sisters are inappropriate. When you can see the anatomical structure of the body it is sin. The work ahead may get ugly if we really want to clean house.” “Pinterest contains nudity and other inappropriate content.” These short quotes from a leaked document that appears to be a rough draft of conference minutes are just a glimpse of the wild ride that was the Wednesday afternoon meeting to discuss the topic of nonconformity to the world.

The meeting got underway, and a talk was delivered, comparing church members to the Royal family. “None of [us] came from royal blood and didn’t need salvation. As we humbled ourself and came to Jesus repenting, he made us royal. The family of God loves God’s ways, and God is diametrically opposed to the world. The heavenly kingdom has a different set of guidelines than the rest of the world. When we were converted it didn’t matter what was asked of us, because we were so grateful.”

The speaker went on to discuss the difficulty of denying the flesh, saying that “If you are faithful with denying the flesh you will move away from temptation.”

Then, the document shows, things took a bizarre turn as the speaker circled back to the Royal analogy near the end of his talk.

“At times modesty means not sensual, but it can also mean beyond reasonable means. We don’t want to show off our bodies. The royal family doesn’t exhibit their body. They are discreet. Let us understand and practice this. At boys class there often some socks that are very unmanly. This is not Godly. God’s people don’t look to be noticed like this.”

After the topic had been introduced, it appears that an open discussion was held. Many church members voiced varying opinions on the issue of nonconformity to the world. While most comments were less exciting, what follows are some of the more interesting opinions. You can find the full minutes text at the bottom of this page.

“Twenty years ago there were no cameras among us. Now we have them in our pocket. I showed a photo I had taken to a man from the world and his reaction condemned me. We need to be very careful,” the document shows one man saying.

Another had the following to say:

“[In] 2015 instructions were given to the leaders to go home and go to work. I haven’t seen this in action. The dresses of our sisters are inappropriate. When you can see the anatomical structure of the body it is sin. The work ahead may get ugly if we really want to clean house. Pinterest contains nudity and other inappropriate content. If our son asked us to buy an inappropriate magazine we wouldn’t allow it. The church has policy that allows things like this to happen. We need to clean house. I encourage the leadership to be Joshua’s and Caleb’s. Stand up to your congregations even tho[ugh] they want to stone you. I hear a lot of soft gospel. Let’s preach the whole gospel. Might does not make right.”

Following a lecture by a member of the technology committee in which he stated that “We have let some grass grow, and personal conviction has not been in our hearts,” the minutes document shows the topic was again opened up for discussion.

Apparently, one attendee used his time to reprimand the roughly 2500 young people “youth” in attendance, apparently referencing people using social media apps during the general conference itself.

“There is wide spread issue of disrespect toward conference decisions, SnapChat after closing prayer, and YouTube during conference meetings. Youth, don’t create bad habits that will dog you for the rest of your life. We need to be active in the moment and talk to each other as things happen.”

See Also: Conference Controversies: As Leaked Media Circulates, Holdeman Leaders put Kibosh on Volleyball

See Also: “No Recording Event. No Photos.” -Holdeman Leaders to Conference-Goers

Again, these are just some of the more interesting clips. As a whole, the meeting was much more balanced. The document ends with the following proposed resolution.

“Nonconformity is an ongoing challenge for the Church of God. The things highly esteemed to the world are an attraction that will not go away. The basic core of nonconformity is how God Want us to be. It is not a list of things God does not want us to do. God has a standard that needs shoring up as we have been drawn away by independent thinking and a lack of self denial. . He is giving us an opportunity to repent. This will require a revival making necessary changes to being our hearts and lives into accordance with God’s will.”

Following is the complete text from the document, which appears to be a rough draft of the meeting minutes from the afternoon on Wednesday 11–16–2022.


Nonconformity to the world None of came from royal blood and didn’t need salvation. As we humbled ourself and came to Jesus repenting, he made us royal. The family of God loves God’s ways,and God is dametrically opposed to the world. The heavenly kingdom has a different set of guidelines than the rest of the world. When we were converted it didn’t matter what was asked of us, because we were so grateful. Does that gratitude still fill our hearts? He has made many pipers into prince’s tho their origin was the dung Hill. John 17… I pray for them… I pray not for the world. This topic is specifically for us. How can we know the way to the celestial city? It is straight and narrow. No wide loads will fit. We WILL go through a town called Vanity Fair. You can’t buy things of the world you will first have to sell something valuable. Christian and faithful plugged their ears and ran. If you hear it you may not be hable to resist. This old man of flesh wishes to be gratified. Even as we stand here and speak he wants to think that maybe we can be popular for what we have said. Young men, when I see you with your bibles it warms my heart. I know it can be embarrassing to have it. You have to hold it during lunch, and take it everywhere, but it can be a comfort to you. You can look up scripture or read along with the speaker. As a child, non conformity seemed like it was more rule based. Today I understand that it is attitude based. There are spirits that are worldly. Non conformity needs to be alive in us and we need to understand the basis of it. What is your concept of non conformity? Let us have a renewed vision of what I means to love the things of God. We do many things in this world but not all is sin. But when the flesh delights in what I’m doing, it’s time to consider our actions. When we get to heavens gate the things of Satan’s kingdom will do nothing for us. May God help us understand this. Gal 5 Walk in the spirit. Flesh and spirit fight against each other. We desire something, but we feel the disapproval of the spirit. If you are faithful with denying the flesh you will move away from temptation. When you give in to temptation you know that you have failed God and you feel discouraged. It becomes harder to resist temptations. But God gives grace! It is possible to repent and return. We don’t have to find all direction on our own. An assembly like this decides the hard things. As we are faithful to these decisions there is a rest within. This is the way the royal family does it! 2 cor. 6:16–17 what agreement hath the temple of God with idols. Come out and be separate, and I will receive you. When we come to God we want him to take us in his arms and say I love you. Thank you for the sacrifices you have made, and for those times that you have listen to my spirit….. Fasion is a way to climb socially in the world. It is a fútil and vain treadmill. Don’t fall prey to it tyranny. The world uses it to be noticed and gain popularity. The same rewards are offered to us and these are not Godly rewards. For some thisay have become the planned daily goal. We want to be on the edge. This is not limited to young people. Fast fashions are certainly not God’s way. If I see my peers wearing polka-dot socks and I have to quickly go get some, I need to stop and consider. Let the reason for a purchase be because you need it. Modesty can factor into this conversation. At times modesty means not sensual, but it can also mean beyond reasonable means. We don’t want to show off our bodies. The royal family doesn’t exhibit their body. They are discreet. Let us understand and practice this. At boys class there often some socks that are very unmanly. This is not Godly. God’s people don’t look to be noticed like this. We need to come back and we can’t come back in without leaving somethings out there. Romans 12 if we become worldly we can’t prove God’s will because our direction is faulty. I may not think there is anything wrong with something but the truth is I don’t know anymore what is worldly. How long can you push away the spirit and still have direction? That could happen to this assembly. We could begin to think like the world. Learn to love the approval of God instead of the approval of man.


Always remember to ask yourself “is this about me, or about God?”

Why are the evil forces finding a way into our house? Are we paying lip service to the conference? Why do we say ‘yes to these decisions and then leave and not be obedient! “ Let us watch each other.

Discontentment is the path for conformity to the world. Think of Achan.

20 years ago there were no cameras among us. Now we have them in our pocket. I showed a photo I had taken to a man from the world and his reaction condemned me. We need to be very carefule

We youth need your encouragement very much. There are so many things that clamor for our attention. Don’t be afraid to ask us how it’s going. We need all the help we can get.


I have a dream that we will rebuild the walls of safety. Yesterday I couldn’t feel the spirit so much but today has been different. 2015 instructions were given to the leaders to go home and go to work. I haven’t seen this in action. The dresses of our sisters are in appropriate. When you can see the anatomical structure of the body it is sin. The work ahead may get ugly if we really want to clean house. Pinter st contains nudity and other inappropriate content. If our son asked us to buy an inappropriate magazine we wouldn’t allow it. The church has policy that allows things like this to happen. We need to clean house. I encourage the leadership to be Joshua’s and Caleb’s. Stand up to your congregations even tho they want to stone you. I hear a lot of soft gospel. Let’s preach the whole gospel. Might does not make right.

We live in challenging times. Do we need a revival in the church of God?

The youth are special to me and I want to speak to you. We as your staff love you. We are not always the best at showing it, but we long to approve of your actions. Your fighting a tough battle! We want to be right there with you. God be with you! We love you!

Youth. Let us have a change of mindset. We don’t have to continue thinking that to be cool we have to be carnal.

LECTURE Today we are faced with a test and we should look at it as a war. We have let some grass grow, and personal conviction has not been in our hearts. Parents set the tone early on in the home. They are set by our congregation and by conference. Social media has a name. Simple messaging would include text or voice only. Social media includes WhatsApp or cloud veil messanger and many many others. Do we totally understand what really becomes social media? What kind of ideas spirits or concepts are transmitted through these platforms? Social media is a carrier of what is inside. We cannot just do away with the carrier. We have to patch the hole or the tire will still go flat. We have to teach the proper concepts when children are young. We’ve noticed a cascading event but there is one stablizing factor. We need stability among us. Social media is anti Christian and there is a lot of time spent on them. The radio is just in the wrong hands. It is in the dvils hands. Same with social media. In our church we have some principles. One of those is a closed pulpit. Small Bible studies are not a healthy thing. A person puts more stock in this small group than in the Congregation. Have you ever thought about forming a congration on WhatsApp?… I have questions. Would you visit the members? Who is the leader? How would you discipline somebody? These types of groups AR neither sustainable or biblical. Do not forsake the assembling of yourselves. On a chat the members only tell you what he wants to tell you. As a tech committee we feel that what’s app groups can be dangerous. We are troubled by these groups. There is a general concern that singing or preaching messages are being forwarded many times. We don’t always know who left the message. We feel that these messages are more emotional than inspirational. Do you need more inspiration/input than what God gives during your church service or devotions? Some find mor inspiration from a chat than their congregation. The reason? There is no accountability. There is very little distance between recorded music and instrumental singing. Is this recorded singing really giving back to God? The decisions are clear. Are we willing to be obedient? We need conviction against the evil that is in media. This will make a group that is bonded together. May God bless us.


1 st John 2:15 The Lord would like us to ask “what part of the wo[rl]d is in me?”

Some of the things that have been forwarded may not be wrong, but promote our cause.

We don’t always understand the apps but we need to understand that not every app is expedient for me.

I was struggling with the question “is this God’s church? ” one day he told me this is a working church that comes together and works it way through difficulties. If we didn’t we would likely be driving horse and buggies.

This is the day we live in and I’ve noticed that young couples are open to teaching. They are asking questions and they will learn what the world has to offer. As a minister I need to educate myself so I have answers for them. If we give the teaching they respond. We need to identify the enemy.

I have a burden about movies games porn ect…. This starts with lust then it becomes something that covers insecurities. Instead of watching the movie I need to identify what I’m trying to cover up. The youth are struggling with this, but the root problem is not being addressed. There are programs to help with this. Also be willing to ask direct questions about how they are doing.

There is wide spread issue of disrespect toward conference decisions snap chat after closing prayer and you tube during conference meetings. Youth. Don’t create bad habits that will dog you for the rest of your life. We need to be active in the moment and talk to each other as things happen.

Young people. Be faithful! You are the leaders of tomorrow! Follow your leaders and you will be happy. Tomorrow may not come. What will you answer to your lord? I want to happy and I want to obey. Thank you for all that you have done for our country!

Our phones have changed our lives. It is influencing us and this burdens me. Let’s not allow these devices to move us off the foundation.

I have family who are born again but not members our church. They wear clothes aren’t always modest and cell phones are needed at 8 years old in order to fit in. I don’t want this to happen to us. Jesus wants us to live unstained by the world and he will help us.

Our parents and grandparents may be tempted with recorded music because they are lonely. Should we be checking with them more.

God is interested in us. He’s not confused and he has a way forward. Let’s not be trend setters.


Nonconformity is an ongoing challenge for the Church of God. The things highly esteemed to the world are an attraction that will not go away. The basic core of nonconformity is how God Want us to be. It is not a list of things God does not want us to do. God has a standard that needs shoring up as we have been drawn away by independent thinking and a lack of self denial. . He is giving us an opportunity to repent. This will require a revival making necessary changes to being our hearts and lives into accordance with God’s will.

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The Holdeman Reporter

I publish stories about news, life and current events within the Church of God in Christ Mennonite. Email news or documents to holdemanreporter@protonmail.com.