Perspectives on Goal, Rejection, Growth and Expansion

OrpheusKey R & D Inc.
5 min readAug 30, 2023


Today I would like to share how to move towards our inherent or core greatness. Basically how we can do it without depression, restlessness, and unhappiness when we are not there yet.

Recently I faced a rejection with one of my initiatives where I went all in. I set my heart and mind to it. The rejection stung a bit. But I know I have to see the rejection as redirection. I have to see it as feedback instead of failure.

The difference between successful and unsuccessful people is not in facing no “failure”. The difference is in how quickly one bounces back after apparent “failure”.

To bring some positive perspective to the recent rejection I started looking for what is good in that experience. And I found a few. One is I had expansion due to the supporting research I did for that opportunity/potential engagement. I am bold enough to show up and talk to people without feeling intimidated. I was able to show up for meaningful conversation. The goal was to serve other people with my super power or gift. If they choose not to get my service then it is their choice. It is not my loss. It does not define me. I do not have to shrink, act small and have a pity party. Opportunity to play bigger and serve more people for higher impact will come in divine timing. In the meantime I will spread positivity and joy. I will honor my core strength and will not shed my divine gift just to fit in. The more “no” I hear I get closer to hear the life changing “yes”. Peter Diamandis of X Prize Foundation had to hear many “no”s for about ten years before getting to yes. When he heard no from people in powerful roles he did not give up. He went to/met people at next level or so. If there is a match in energy and paradigm then people will collaborate with us. There is no need to go back to previous limiting beliefs and paradigm. “The mind, once stretched by a new idea, never returns to its original dimensions.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson. I chose not to play small. Playing small to make some people happy is very heavy. Acting like someone that we are not just to make someone happy is not good for our psyche. The universe does not want another copy cat. It wants us to express our core to the fullest without shrinking and without apology.

Got great perspective from a recent Darren Daily as well as from Esther Hicks book “Ask and it is Given”. Let me share that here -

Do not hope or wish. Expect. There is a saying that — “If you are not expecting then you are not allowing” . Not allowing is a form of resistance or counter intention. This resistance increases the distance between our desire and current state.

Below is the rephrased summary of what my mentor Darren Hardy said recently -

Set goal then release the attachment to the result . Set big goal. Know where you are and where you want to go.

The very act of setting goals makes you unhappy. You desire it so badly! There is unhappiness due to not having it. The unhappiness is bad for you.

On top of that as soon as a high achiever attains a goal (s)he set another goal and feel unhappy and miserable again. This mode of living causes life long misery. Suffering is from attachment to specific result, needing things in someway other than the way those are now. You may ask — how can we achieve without focusing on specific things? The answer lies in deeply understanding the difference between “Travel” vs “Traveling”. “Travel” is to go from “A” to “B”. Traveling is the journey itself which is not tied to specific points. Let your concern be the action and system not the outcome or result. Set big goal but do not be attached. With the system, process or ritual in place we will have expansion.

Set specific measurable achievable goal. Refocus passion, energy, life force on the journey instead of the outcome.

Focus on purpose and impact — why you exist, what and who matters to you, whom do you would like to serve. Be fully present and be blissful.

Focus on achieving excellence — be better than yesterday without checking whether you are there yet or not.

Let go of travel but never let go of traveling.

Focus on growth. If growth is your goal then you can far surpass any goal you can conceive of from where you are now. Iterate your way to success.

Esther Hicks has another perspective on the same topic -

“If your goal is to finally, once for all, achieve all that you desire, you will find yourself unable to ever fulfill that goal, for the expanding nature of the universe defies that idea. You cannot ever get it done because you cannot ever cease to be. … Your eternal nature is one of expansion — and in that expansion is the potential for unspeakable joy”.

Earlier this year I was listening to Sara Blakely’s presentation. She indicated that in a jumping contest or so she is the only one reached the proper point. When people asked her the reason she indicated that other people were directly looking at the midpoint of the target and they ended up going down. But she aimed higher than the target and reached exactly at the midpoint where rescuer or support person could hold /catch her. Her tactics was to aim higher to land to exactly where she needs to be.

Message of the talk is — aim higher.

Grant Cardone did something similar. In the undercover billionaire show he was told make 1 M in 90 days. He set a goal of earning 10 M and ended up making 5 M.

They proved the theme that -

“Shoot for the Moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars” — Norman Vincent Peale. (Let’s not debate about the accuracy of the quote).

#AimHigh #AimHigher

Let’s make our growth, expansion, impact and excellence non negotiable.

What would you do differently to honor your gift, conscious and unconscious competence?

#peterdiamandis #abundance #bold #moonshotthinking

#redirectionNotRejection #feedbacknotfailure





OrpheusKey R & D Inc.

Personal transformation and expansion coach using inner technology.