Holly Becker Zimmerman
2 min readMar 8, 2016

Healthy Living Daily

When you are a working adult, the days have a tendency to blur by. It is no surprise with work, family life, friends, and other obligations, that weeks can pass in which you feel like you haven’t gotten a chance to breathe. When you do slow down, you tend to find yourself feeling exhausted, sleep-deprived, overworked, stiff, and generally unhealthy. This is why it is important, even when you are at your busiest, to take time during each day to practice healthy living. Below, I have compiled a list of small tasks to complete daily to ensure you are living at your healthiest.

Exercise Everyday

Whether you do an intense cycling class, or simply go for a walk in the park, make it a part of your routine to exercise for at least 30 minutes daily. This will help you focus, be more alert, and feel more energized. If you do not think you have time in your day for exercise, do it in increments. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, go for a walking meeting, and park far enough from your work building that it takes you a little extra time to walk to the door.


Spending as little as five minutes a day practicing mindfulness can significantly impact your entire life. Whether you have a few minutes after you wake up in the morning, or you prefer to sit still and breathe when you return home, clearing your mind every day will make you more optimistic and focused. It has the ability to decrease stress and strengthen your immune system as well.

Stay Hydrated

You should be drinking water throughout the day to keep your body in its best state. According to experts, everyone should drink a half a gallon of water a day. You should be drinking more if you have dehydrating beverages throughout the day (e.g. coffee) or spend some time sweating through an intensive exercise session. Hydrating sufficiently will boost your brain functioning, help digestion, and make you feel better throughout the day.


No matter how much work you have to get done in a day, you must always make time for a good night of sleep. Sleep is linked to all types of health benefits, and a lack of it can actually be dangerous to your health. With enough sleep, you will find yourself regularly happier, less prone to injury, thinking more clearly, and in better control of your weight.

Holly Becker Zimmerman

Holly Becker Zimmerman is a Harvard Business School graduate, with a background in investment and finance.