We had 3 kids in 3 years…this is why we’re blogging about it

3 min readJun 24, 2017


This is us — Lainie and Eric.

Hi! We’re Lainie and Eric Holmes. We have three cute and crazy kids: Tate (2.5 years), Thatcher (almost 1.5), and Charlie (4 months). Yup, 3 kids under 3 years. Some think we’re crazy, but we love it.

Some of our friends and family had given up on us. They thought we were “career people” and were never having children. We totally fooled them. We were working long hours and always planning our next big trip. We loved backpacking together and being our own travel agents. Cruising around in tuk tuks in Thailand. Getting lost on a remote F road in Iceland. We always found adventure.

Everyone told us that when we had kids our travel would stop. We took Tate to Portugal at 5 months old. We’d still be backpacking if our house renos weren’t a current focus. We’ll get back out there.

We wanted to have our kids close together. We wanted three and were concerned about having them too close to 40 for health reasons. We had travelled to many of the places we wanted to and felt ready to start our family. Hence, 3 in 3 years.

We are both close in age to our siblings. Eric and his sister share the same birthday, but were born exactly a year apart. And my brother and I grew up being the same age for three days because there’s not quite a year between us. We wanted our kids growing up having partners in crime, someone to get in and out of trouble with.

The kids on Father’s Day. We took them down to the beach to throw rocks first thing in the morning.

We’ve started an Instagram account and blog for a few reasons.

Eric and I share funny stories with each other every day. Texting photos back and forth. We’re going to keep doing it, but now you get to see it and hopefully laugh along too.

We wanted a little project to do together. We’re both going to post photos to Instagram and write blog posts (sometimes together, sometimes on our own). A husband and wife blogging team, with their own voices and perspectives. You’ll probably see that I’m funny (Lainie) and that Eric has his own sense of humour that you might appreciate.

And lastly, we hope that our photos and stories trigger memories for you, of great times with your own kids or nieces and nephews. So often we have friends and family who reminisce and tell stories about their own kids growing up after spending time with ours. There’s something about being around little ones that helps us remember.

Since I’m a sucker for stories and love writing, I hope to post different writing prompts with my Instagram photos. I encourage you to write down memories for your kids as they arise. It’s never too late. Get those stories down for them. It will be something special they’ll always have from you.

We’re not sure how this will go but we hope it will be fun. To see our pics, you can find us on Instagram @holmes3inThree

Welcome into our family,

Lainie & Eric

Note: Although this post seems written by me (Lainie), I’m just the one typing it. Picture us both sitting in our living room. The kids are all asleep in their beds and we’re bantering back and forth working out what we want to say. Eric keeps telling me to keep it short and sweet and I keep wanting to ramble :) It was fun writing this first piece together. I think we’re going to like this.




We’ve had 3 kids in less than 3 years. No twins. People think we’re crazy. We love it. This is our story…