Buying versus Building a Home — What to Prefer?

3 min readDec 26, 2018


Buying a House versus Building a Home

Home is mostly the single largest investment, a person ever makes in a lifetime. No one can take this decision on an immediate basis, therefore, spends considerable time and energy either searching for a built home or designing the perfect one. Every property buyer has a list of preferences that includes wants and needs. Needs include the features that the buyer absolutely has to have but the features from the list of wants can be compromised.

Location, price, budget and property conditions are factored, when it comes to building or buying a home. These all are important choices but before even that, you need to make a decision whether to buy a built home or build a new one. Both options come with their own set of advantages and disadvantages. Let’s have a look at both sides:

Buying a Constructed Home

The primary advantage of buying an already constructed home is its convenience. All you need is a specific budget to buy a home of your choice, look around, pick the one you like and make an offer. If you share your budget and requirements with an expert real estate agent, he can help you find appropriate properties that can match your wish list and fits into your budget too. Once your offer is accepted, you may be able to close the deal and move into the house within a month or two.

Even though the buying process involves numerous steps such as gathering funds, viewing homes, home inspection, making an offer and closing the deal — the idea of being able to move into a new place right away is tempting enough to choose an already constructed home over to build one.

Building a Home

Building a new home does not offer the same convenience as buying an existing one does. Before start construction, you do have to find the land at your favourite spot, factor in the time to find the right architect, contractor, and builder and choose every single element of the new structure. Moreover, you need the permits from all the service providers to get the services including water, electricity and sui gas connections.

Another advantage is that you are likely to get exactly what you want. For several people, this factor alone is enough to choose to build over buying a home. Moreover, a new home is more efficient, attractive and more beautiful. You can implement new technologies in your new homes such as green appliances, new plumbing fixtures, water fixtures, and electrical fixtures allow you to build green for a sustainable home in the long run.

The last but not the least important point is that building a house can lead to a level of satisfaction that you cannot achieve through buying an existing home. The new-home smell is something that cannot match anything else. In short, this is the creation that you have created from scratch.





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