Standing in Your Truth

Bill Cooper
2 min readMar 8, 2023


Believing in Yourself is Tough

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Everyone is guilty of lying once in a while. I know I’ve done it.

But what I’m best at is called a “lie of omission”, where I’ll tell part of the truth, but not the complete truth.

Or just keep myself locked up and say nothing. In fact, I used to be a triple blackbelt expert at that.

I am very good at under-sharing. I think a lot of people share a lot about their lives and for so long, my self-worth was in the toilet. I thought that what I had to say had no purpose and there was no reason for me to even speak up.

This self-perpetuating cycle would make me feel worse and worse. I would think, “I don’t have anything to talk about. People aren’t interested in me.”

I would wallow in this self pity. Until I saw a therapist and I worked on my communication, I didn’t realize I had worth. I found out and it was ok for me to share things. But this took a lot of mental leaps, work, and effort. And honestly, it took trusting other people to listen.

Now, when I get scared of saying how I feel about something, I do something I call “standing in my truth.” I’ll say how I feel and realize that the other person can take it any way they wish.

Now that doesn’t mean saying horrible or negative things to them. I’m not proposing hate speech. But it does mean if they’re doing something that bothers me, I’m going to let them know.

Same with my interests. A lot of people have different feelings about spirituality.

I used to keep it close to the chest. Now I share who I am. Some people won’t get it. But some need to hear it.

It’s not my place to judge who needs what. But in a world of people living in echo chambers, it’s ok to be challenged once in a while.

Why are we here if not to make connections? Sometimes we need to ask each other the big questions. We need to be ok with agreeing to disagree.

Not in the attempts to “be right.” But in the attempts to hear other voices, opinions, beliefs. We don’t have to believe in them. But we should listen and be respectful. And then should listen and be respectful of us.

It’s ok to be different. It’s ok to stand out. And it’s ok, as long as you aren’t hurting anyone or speaking hate…

To speak your truth.

Hey. I’m Bill. I talk about spirituality, mental health, music, and advice. I’m sharing my journey and my life in the hopes to help others.

Follow me if you like my vibe. Love you all.

