GSX Concedes, But We Need to Be Ready!

5 min readAug 23, 2016


Ladies and Gentlemen involved in the ongoing attempt to hold Giant Spacekat Studios responsible for its actions, we owe you thanks. Giant Spacekat Studios has proven it’s willing to ignore the people who bankrolled it, and it’s only because of you all that our trying to get the company to release the game it promised us 2 years ago got anywhere at all.

Even back in January of 2014, the number of times the game was “almost done” was ridiculous.

Special thanks to people on Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook for spreading around information about the Medium posts covering our threat to go to Kickstarter if GSX failed to deliver on its promises yet again. Without all of your support, it’s clear none of this would’ve even been possible! I also thank people for spreading around the Kickscammed link.

But thanks to your efforts, it seems that our discussions here on Medium have struck a nerve, and Giant Spacekat Studios, it seems, is making an organized push to get the Special Edition of Revolution 60 out by the end of August:

The official launch date is the 29th, according to GSX.

All of this is great news, especially for those of us who just wanted to play the damn game on a platform other than IOS and would have been happy with that alone, but I need to remind everyone that might be celebrating this win of ours that Giant Spacekat has a history of claiming the game is “done,” or “almost done” that dates back over a year and a half.

In fact, Giant Spacekat has missed at least seven major release dates:

The original August 2014 release date, still there two years later.
  1. The game was originally said to be launched in August of 2014.
A year later. Still the same release date.

2. The October 2015 release date, which is still on the Official Giant Spacekat website almost a year later.

Giant Spacekat Studios head, Brianna Wu stating the game would be out in early 2016.

3. GSX head Brianna Wu then declared that the game would be “sent off to Steam” the first week of 2016.

Five days after the previous announcement.

4. The release date in #3 then got pushed back two weeks.

Giant Spacekat once again blaming her failures on harassment.
One of the only pieces of evidence of the March launch date.

5. A trailer went up, showing that the release date would then be in March. I would link to this except that Giant Spacekat took that trailer down when March ended. All that remains of this launch date is Giant Spacekat’s founder, Brianna Wu, snapping at backers, and a few tweets she made claiming the game would be out shortly.

Brianna Wu later deleted this tweet, presumably because she missed the deadline.

6. Giant Spacekat then claimed on May 4th, 2016, that the game was done, and said the game was about to release. On May 6th, 2016, she made an extremely public showing of its impending release (which has since been deleted), and said it had already been pushed to steam. Nothing would come of this. Two weeks later she said it would be released a week after Overwatch.

Literally done. So why isn’t it out?
We knew we had Giant Spacekat’s attention with this post.

7. In June, Brianna Wu declared that the game was done, and releasing it was going to happen, before Giant Spacekat Studios suddenly tried to claim that asking why the game wasn’t out yet was harassment. What made her say this? Me and my fellow backers finally having enough.

Clever readers may have noticed a few patterns on the above posts. First, most of the updates were made on Twitter — not the Kickstarter page. Again, Giant Spacekat has shown outright contempt for the people who financed the PC launch of this game, and has gone out of her way to give them no information about the project. The other thing you may have noticed is that Brianna Wu tends to delete things constantly, especially when they’re inconvenient. If it hadn’t been for Archive, a lot of Brianna Wu’s claims that the game would be out could disappear, just like the March trailer or even the Stream she hosted, which we only have because someone saved a copy.

With these in mind, Giant Spacekat Studios has shown that it can not be trusted to meet its release dates, and that any promises it makes towards that goal are empty until the game is in our hands. In the past two years, it has repeatedly shown that it neither cares about the game nor has any real reason to get it out beyond the backers forcing the company to. I will be the first to apologize and be thankful if Giant Spacekat Studios actually gets the game out by the end of August — but if it does not, then we need to go to Kickstarter and report this company, as we originally threatened.

