How To Work For Your Favorite Rapper

Chance the Rapper hired me 6 months after graduation. I bet you’ve never had a first day like this before.

Negele Hospedales
7 min readOct 14, 2017

Here is how to work for your favorite rapper:

The first day of work is never easy. You hope that your new peers will like you; you hope your new boss will be impressed. Well, today is your first day at your new job… except your job is a cross-country rap-tour, your peers are world-class musicians and your boss, who invited you on said tour, has won a triplet of Grammy awards. He’s 24, and he’s your favorite rapper.

[This is my first upload on Medium, so any love to get me going is 100% appreciated. If you haven’t read my how-to’s before, the premise is simple: Easy to understand click-bait titles, accompanied by my real stories that are anytime but simple. Converted to the 2nd-person to put you in my shoes — we can all learn from each other. My quarter-life crisis is creeping up soon; I’m a story-teller by trade, with an daily growing list of growing tales to tell. Join me for more how-to’s, photos, and playlists at]

As a 22-year-old yourself, freshly graduated, you harbor the powers of the internet and somehow secure the dream job from your thrifty confines in Sydney, Australia — a temporary shelter from the true responsibilities of the motherland — Canada. Life can happen as swiftly as a resume goes viral, and since your application happened to do so, about three weeks will pass…



Negele Hospedales

Creative Entrepreneur | Word-Writer | Brand-Manager | Content-Strategist | Chance's Intern |