Best UX Design Books for Beginners

Hossein Sharafi
3 min readJan 14, 2024


If you’re new to user experience design and looking for resources to learn more, you’ve probably searched for good UX books. But most of the blogs I’ve read, introduce books that are not suitable for junior designers and discourage them from reading. In this post, I try to introduce books for junior designers — those who have started design, in less than 2 years.

These books are also quite practical and do not confuse you with the fundamental principles of design. Rather, they teach you the rules you need to design interfaces and get to know usability and accessibility.

The Elements of User Experience

the elements of user experience book

By reading “The Elements of User Experience”, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of the UX design process, from initial idea to final execution. You will learn how to analyze and define user needs, organize information effectively, and define the overall structure of visual interfaces.

100 Things every designer needs to know

The book “100 things every designer needs to know about people” covers a variety of topics including user research, interaction design, information architecture, visual design, and usability testing, and emphasizes the importance of understanding user needs, involving users during the design process, and creating enjoyable visual experiences. The book is concise and useful and gives you an overview of the principles of experience design.

Don’t Make Me Think

One of the topics that you as a user experience designer should learn is the principles of usability (mostly in the web and mobile environment) and “Don’t make me think” is a practical guide in this field that introduces you to the concept of usability with many practical examples.

Designing User Interfaces

Designing User Interfaces” is for those who want to know everything about web and mobile UI components. As a UI designer, you must be able to design attractive user interfaces with tools like Figma and to achieve this, you must know the standards and principles of user interface design. This 400-page book introduces you to these principles using simple images and texts. It is one of the most comprehensive books in this field and is very useful for novice designers.

Inclusive Design for a Digital World

If you are designing a user interface, you must know the principles of accessibility for digital products so that your design meets the standards and the final product is usable for users with any disabilities. “Inclusive Design for a Digital World” introduces you to the basic principles of accessibility.

In the next post, I will introduce some books for senior UX Designers.

