Landscaping Your New Home

3 min readDec 30, 2016

Once you’ve made your dream house with the best home plan and the best interiors that suit your taste, the next step is to spruce up the outdoor space. This not only increases the aesthetic appeal of your home, but also keeps the air around the house fresh and clean. The ambient temperature around the house reduces considerably saving you energy costs and aids in keeping the environment greener. A well maintained front/back yard also increases the market value of the property without having to invest a lot (plants are generally very low investment). It is safe to say that a well landscaped property yields a rich return — health and money wise. Following is our expert advice on how to landscape your home:

1. Decide on a Budget

Landscaping if not planned well can be expensive. The expense on material, labor and service can be heavy on your pocket. It is wise to decide on a budget first and then decide the elements you plan to add to your yard. Depending on your budget, one could hire an expert or go the DIY way. However, mismanaged DIY landscaping project could lead to higher costs than the one with hiring a consultant. More often than not, money is wasted on poorly planned landscaping projects and overextending resources.

2.Hire a Consultant

A professional landscaper should be hired if the space is large as this would require extensive planning. If the plan is put wooden or iron structures in the open space, it is best to get professional help. This would help in streamlining the landscaping within the delineated budget. Besides, a third party brings a fresh perspective to the plan. However, if you enjoy the detailing and the process, treat the curb as a blank canvas where you can express your creativity.

3. Source Local Plants

It is tempting to buy exotic foreign plants for your garden. Besides being expensive, they are difficult to manage and require constant care and maintenance with fertilizing needs that often do not match with the local variety. It is advisable to keep draught resistant plants from the local selection as these are sturdy and do not abandon even in extreme conditions. Local nurseries sometimes stock indigenous hybrid varieties of exotic plants and can be an excellent addition to the garden though these may come at a higher cost.

4. Coordinate the elements

Whether you hire a professional help or DIY the exterior landscaping, it is essential that all the installations including the plants (color of the flowers), decorative elements are in sync. A definitive well-chosen color palette works wonders. Randomly put together elements may look like clutter instead of adding to the curb appeal.

Landscaping therefore is paramount to how your house looks and helps improve its market value. Hire a consultant or do it your way. Either ways, the home will look happier and greener.

Happy Home Building!!




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