OM/ONE Levitating Speaker

How Product Hunt helped us reach our $100k crowd funding goal in 10.5 hours.

Howie Diamond
2 min readSep 24, 2014


We launched our crowd funding campaign for the OM/ONE: World’s First Levitating Bluetooth Speaker with high hopes and dreams of building a brand new consumer electronics brand around a great product.

On one hand, we had an iconic looking bluetooth speaker that sounds spectacular and was optimistic that the world was going to love. We also had the whole “first to market” thing going for us. On the other hand, we really needed to have the proper acquisition channels in place to get customers who are most likely to participate in our campaign and help us achieve our goal. We also learned that it’s mission critical to build and maintain momentum otherwise you run the risk of failing to meet your goal.

We thought that if we could jumpstart sales through a well-respected, early adopter community, that might be the validation needed to get our campaign off the ground. This is why we decided to launch our campaign for OM/ONE in partnership with Product Hunt. The Product Hunt community immediately took notice and we received 164 up-votes within the first 8 hours. In addition, we were able to field questions from potential customers and fans of our product in real time within our Product Hunt listing.

Product Hunt drove meaningful traffic for our campaign. Stats below:

* Out of 554 referral sites, Product Hunt was #4 in driving traffic

* We saw 2,229 sessions from PH with 1.1 avg. pages per session

* Avg session is 0:51

* >4% conversion rates

By the end of Day 1 we had sold over $100k worth of OM/ONE speakers. End of Day 2: $170K, End of Day 3: $225k. With 6 days left in the campaign we are now past $750k in total revenue. Thank you to Ryan, Erik, and the Product Hunt community for supporting OM/ONE and our team here at OM Audio. We couldn’t have reached our goal without your help and support.

