How to be Superhuman.

Levern Darrell Scippio
8 min readJan 21, 2019


There are 7.53 billion human beings on the earth increasing to 10 billion by 2055, but just because there are so many of us it doesn’t mean we are incomparable. Actually, we have so many things in common with each other, yet seem to be more divided than ever. Some of these similarities have been within each of us even before birth and others are averaged over the course of our lives. Regardless of the many things we have in common, we continue to find reasons to separate ourselves from each other. Why does this happen? Is there a way for humans to be more connected to one another? Because, when you get down to the core of it, we are all just human. Fantastic humans, but can we be more?

The normal human body has 206 bones.

Our eyes can distinguish up to ten million color surfaces. If the human eye was a digital camera it would have 576 megapixels. It can process 36,000 bits of information every hour and take in more information than the largest telescope known to man.

Your nose can remember 50,000 different scents and the ears never stop growing through a lifetime.

Our heart beats around 100,000 times every day or about 30 million times a year. The human body makes 2.5 million Red Blood Cells every second or about 200 billion Red Blood Cells circulate every day through an estimated 60,000 miles of blood vessels.

The Human brain is the most powerful computer which has the processing speed of 3000+ Ghz, over 100 billion nerve cells and capable of creating more ideas equivalent to that of the atoms of the universe.

Every atom in your body is billions of years old and an adult is made up of around 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (7 octillion) atoms.

It takes only 17 muscles smile but as many as 43 to frown.

Sadly, Per the Southen Poverty Law Center, there are 953 organized hate groups even though humans are less than .01% genetically different from one another and there isn’t any specific variation to any gene to create a division of races, we still have found an elemental divide. The Human Genome Project has determined that we are truly more alike than we ever thought. Even though there are many differences that we see every day within each other, genetically we are almost identical. So, if our biological differences are minimal then why does skin color matter so much. Melanin, a pigment present in the skin is responsible for the color of a person’s skin. Per the Fitzpatrick scale, there are 6 levels of skin complexion. The differences in complexions between humans originated between 60 and 125 thousand years ago. At that time, the first humans probably had quite a bit of hair and once the hair started to shed, the underlying skin was most likely pale in complexion. Since the cradle of civilization has been denoted as a primarily warmer climate, there may have been some discomfort during this transformation period or there were disagreements within the community which caused a division of the family. Regardless the reason, some migrated to colder climates while others stayed in warmer. Even though we are genetically similar, there was a fundamental decision for one tribe to migrate to a new land, which over time caused a mutation of the gene that changes the level of melanin within the body. Through time it also changed the shape of their noses and ears as well as hair and eye color. These decisions nor did the mutation create enough of a change to constitute any form of superiority but they did initiate a change in perception. So, begins a new change in social status and cultural diversity.

There are roughly 195 countries and 6,500 spoken languages in the world today.

There are 4200–4300 religions and there are 450 to 500 million positive atheists and agnostics worldwide.

The exact reason that the original tribe decided to split is unknown but we know that thousands of years later we have the society we currently live in. There are many different religions, languages, and cultures and these differences divide us. From the beginning of our species, there has been a need for us to communicate and a desire to believe in something but an essential level of respect should allow us to be more than tolerant to other’s way of life if we differ in opinion and understanding. Even, dating back into pre-historic times our ancestors found unity through language, culture, and religion but wars have been waged to reform alternate societies into the victors’ ideology. Why? Why do we feel so threatened if someone speaks a different language or worships GOD in a different way? Thousands of years later we should be able to move past those differences and become one tribe again. Not one religion or one language but one community. Are the differences in an idea worth hating another human being? We all are here and have been for thousands of years struggling to survive. We all share this finite planet. The need to eat, work, and breath are infinitely more important roles of prosperity than ritual ideology and a unified tongue.

Self-sufficiency is the benchmark for human existence. We all want to be able to provide for ourselves and our family. We work hard and are vigilant about accomplishing the goals we set for our future. We get up early and go to bed late. We go into debt in order to earn an education, to earn more money. We go to the best schools and have the best jobs but what if the conditions for you to succeed were not available to you. What are your options then? What if you were unable to get a loan for school? What if any job you were qualified for did not pay for your basic bills? There is definitely a financial disparity in the world today and that can cause mistrust, resentment, and disenfranchisement among those at opposing ends of the spectrum. Is there a dignified harmonious path forwards toward self-enrichment and affluence for all?

There are 2,208 billionaires and 36 million millionaires in the world but more than 3 billion people, nearly 1/2 of the world’s population live in poverty.

There is a staggering figure of about 5 billion jobs in the world although 197.7 million unemployed and more than 1 billion persons in the world have some form of disability which possibly makes them unable to work.

Between 2015 and 2016, US median household income rose from $57,230 to $59,039, yet in 2017, workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 2.3 percent of all hourly paid workers (1.8 million), earning less than $16,000 per year.

Per 2018 POVERTY GUIDELINES FOR THE 48 CONTIGUOUS STATES AND THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, a 3 person household earning less than $20,780 lives in poverty but the average cost of living in the U.S. is about $53,000.

The average American household spends most of their money on housing. The median monthly mortgage payment for American homeowners was $1,030 ($12,360 annually), U.S. housing rents hit a record-high average of $1,405 per month ($16.860 annually).

There are some 5,300 colleges and universities in the United States but just over a third of American adults(107,587,339) have a four-year college degree.

The average tuition at four-year Public universities charges in-state students $9,970 and out-of-state students $25,620 while private college costs an average of $34,740.

The average starting salary for those with a bachelor’s degree is $51,701. That income is over $24,000 more than what workers with a high school diploma earn; their average salary is just $27,232.

The U.S. Census Bureau data shows that the average retirement age in the United States comes to about age 63 and worldwide, the average life expectancy at birth was 71.5 years (68 years and 4 months for males and 72 years and 8 months for females) over the period 2010–2015 according to United Nations World Population Prospects 2015 Revision but “Nearly half of families have no retirement account savings at all,” the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) reported, even in savings vehicles such as IRAs and 401(k)s.

Most people can see themselves somewhere within these numbers. You may be that billionaire or you may be working multiple jobs and still can’t make the ends meet. You may not want for anything and all your needs are met or you are in between jobs and don’t know where your next meal is coming from. Maybe you walked past someone laying on the street or someone drove past you in a car that cost twice your annual salary. You may feel less influential or more influential but either way, you can see some are making it and some aren’t.

But influence is a relative term. Is it only the rich and highly educated that can influence? Do you have to have millions in the bank or three or four degrees to be influential? No, all you need is action. That action can change lives. It can do things that you never could imagine. That action does not have to include money or wealth. It can just be time and a voice. It can be an explanation and an open ear. It can be a smile and a handshake. It can be the aspect of teaching or the ability to be taught. How does it relate to you?

Humanity — compassionate, sympathetic, or generous behavior or disposition: the quality or state of being humane.

Community — a group of people with a common characteristic or interest living together within a larger society.

Communication — a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior.

Three definitions that can change the world. The lack of understanding in the adolescence of our species created a disconnect in the Human Race. By embracing these three definitions now, we can build a more unified world. Looking past the socioeconomic difference; past the color of our skin; past the similarities and differences, we can start to bond with one another. Help each other live better lives. Connect through the understanding that we all want to be happy, safe and satisfied. Taking care of one another and helping each other succeed is paramount to the survival of the Human Race. Some gaps need bridges we can’t build alone. We have to do it together. Hemingway said, There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow men. True nobility lies in being superior to your former self. Our former selves developed a divided world but we can unify it together.

Currently, 134 million people across the world need humanitarian assistance and protection. The color of their skin doesn’t matter. Their language, religion or culture doesn’t matter. Their economic status doesn’t matter. What matters is you? What are you willing to submit? What are you willing to sacrifice? Join a cause, help others, attempt to understand points of view that are not your own and you may find that you are more than just a human being after all.



Levern Darrell Scippio

Sharing Ideas & Opinions of Personal Development, Self Help, Self Improvement, Life Coaching, Image Consulting, & Personal Branding