Hugo Mora Riquelme
Hugo Mora Riquelme

Hugo Mora Riquelme

Graph DB and Analytics

13 stories

Hugo Mora Riquelme

Hugo Mora Riquelme


5 stories

Hugo Mora Riquelme

Hugo Mora Riquelme

Quants and Financial AI

7 stories

You can now create your own tailor-made bot to do profitable trading for you, in a matter of minutes. (AI image created on MidJourney V6 by Henrique Centieiro and Bee Lee) Golden robot cheering with an investor with glasses and beard.
52% Returns in 30 Days: Your GPT-4o Quant Trading Bot Strategy How to Profit in Any Market Condition with GPT-4o’s Mean Regression Strategies, AI image created on midjourney v6 by henrique centieiro and bee lee
Hugo Mora Riquelme

Hugo Mora Riquelme

EDA and Storytelling

3 stories

Hugo Mora Riquelme

Hugo Mora Riquelme

Power BI, Synapse and Fabric

8 stories

Hugo Mora Riquelme

Hugo Mora Riquelme


2 stories

Hugo Mora Riquelme

Hugo Mora Riquelme

Dynamics CRM and Power BI consultant.... expanding horizons to Data Analytics. Runner, amateur photographer.