Human Discovery
8 min readOct 25, 2017

Hi everyone,
My name is Timur Karimbaev and I am CEO of Human Discovery Platform.

I am cofounder of Human Discovery Platform together with Marat Nigametzyanov (Business Development Director) and Sergey Mikhailov (COO).

We have extensive experience in IT Product Development and in Business. We’ve been creating digital solutions for knowledge monetization for the last three years at GetCourse — one of the largest online education services in Russia, analogue of OntraPort and Kajabi. Today it’s the time to make one step further. Blockchain technology opens up a new epoch of knowledge storage and analysis, and we know how to make new business on it, which will be profitable and socially conscious.
Average CAGR of GetCourse is 193% per year thanks to efficient IT architecture which serves all needs of courses’ authors and users. Revenue in 2016 was $6MM (you can read about GetCourse in Forbes Russia). In 2015 GetCourse had a breakthrough, when the platform transformed its business-processes and integrated Learning Management System in CRM — revenue doubled in a month. Nowadays, more than 1000 authors of courses and 9MM people use the service. Authors of courses can make up educational process on the basis of multifunctional modes, creating their own landing pages, keep accounting and so on. We are proud with our team. Only four talented IT-specialists are managing the platform (overall there are 55 people in GetCourse). We are also thankful to authors of courses and users for telling us about their needs — starting from interface and ending with their business models.

Digital market of self-improvement is growing, but qualified experts are left apart

People are always asking themselves questions about their destiny, their strengths and how to make the right decision. Today with the development of technology and accessibility of education this questions are vital as never before. Self-improvement industry only in the USA is estimated in $11 bln and it is growing by 5,5% per year. We also see in GetCourse that the demand for Self-Improvement courses has increased by 300% from $2MM to $6MM from 2014 to 2016. Self-improvement is a value for 94% of millenials, who are spending on products in this industry two times more than Baby Boomers. Digitalization is a major trend in the industry, and the number of self-improvement apps is growing: apps are obviously cheaper than, say, one coach session. For example, apps like Happier, PersonalityPerfect are solving problems of happiness and partners’ compatibility. The main challenge of the industry is to integrate into digital products methodics of input data analysis, which will provide user with highly personalized strategy of personal development. In fact, there are numerous methodics that can be used, like personality test, MBTI, socionics, Human Design and so on.
However, there is a huge gap between authors of methodics and entrepreneurs, who are creating apps, websites and other products. Even if entrepreneur finds one, he will have to undergo numerous legislation and bureaucratic issues and pay taxes. In the result, price of one methodics will grow many times. If there is a person who wants to sponsor author, this person will also have to pay high taxes, and their cooperation becomes almost impossible if two of them are located in different states.
Moreover, if you come to an author of methodics, don’t make sure will get the valid one. First of all, methodics are badly described, and precious data that is being collected during sessions, is been lost. Authors of methodics have deep knowledge of human personality, but cannot digitalize it. Nor can they monetize their knowledge. Second, there is a problem of distrust: in the media, you can find many accusations of the representatives of the self-development industry that their methodics are not scientifically valued. Verification is also a problem.

Blockchain to empower knowledge on human personality and synergy to meet needs of all players

Today we announce Human Discovery Platform, decentralized system for creation of complex methodics of human personality analysis powered by blockchain, which will boost industry of highly personalized digital products based on these methodics. We believe that the best products are created as a result of cooperation of many motivated professionals: consultants, psychologists, programmers, translators, data researchers. Human Discovery Platform will provide them with instruments for efficient cooperation in a format which meets the interests of all the stakeholders, as well as flexible payment system within the system.
Our challenge is to digitize all possible methodics from various sciences, like astrology, psychology and others, make their validation process transparent, and to give their authors instruments to monetize their knowledge.
On the basis of Human Discovery Platform, every author will be able to install his own methodic into the system by creating a block, which receives any data and gives it out in a structured format. Blocks will be located on nodes, which will execute code of analysis. Complex methodics will be created by combining blocks of various authors. For example, some method-blocks like biorhythm calculation by date of birth or EQ-tests can be applied to range of different products. Thus, authors will not have to create the same methodics from the zero, instead, they will use ready-to-use blocks.

Blocks will be similar to smart contracts, loaded by authors into a blockchain-network, and executed on decentralized nodes, which will work according to Proof of Stake algorithm. Thus, combining different blocks, authors can create methodics of any complexity.

Thanks to decentralization, the author can be sure that the data he has been collecting when creating the methodic for ages, will not be lost due to the fact that one server would be closed. Blockchain also brings transparency and trust: every time the block executes request from customer, blockchain-network records incoming and outgoing data, which is impersonal but available for verification.

The main payment instrument on Human Discovery will be HD-tokens, issued on the basis of the Ethereum protocol. They will be used by all users of the platform.

There will be six types of users according to the needs of this economy:
Author of methodics will get HD-tokens every time blocks with their methodics executes request for data analysis, as well as the Owner of node, which runs code of this analysis.
Owner of node will be a person providing his technological resources for deploying the node, thereby ensuring the distribution and stability of the system and receiving compensation for this in HD-tokens.
Entrepreneur will be the one who will decide to create a product based on the methodics — app, social network, etc. platform will provide them with ready-to-use API of methodics, making it easier to launch product based on it. Every time his product will request for analysis of input data from its users, he will spend HD-tokens, which will be distributed between the authors of the blocks he used and the nodes on which the analysis code is executed.
Backers. A person who is willing to sponsor the development of a methodology of the certain Author with the purposes of future mutual benefits.
Executors. People who will serve needs of other participants in translation, IT- development and other stuff, and will receive HD-tokens for that.
The consumer will be ordinary user, who will get some tokens when registering in Human Discovery and will use them to purchase platform’s services. By providing users with free tokens we will stimulate traffic to the platform.
All transactions between Authors of methodics, Backers, Entrepreneurs, Executors and Consumers will be regulated by smart-contracts, thereby providing safety and transparency.
The more is the demand for HD-token, the higher is its price. However, the price of execution of analysis request will be fixed according to fiat currency.

Testing the idea
To set our hypothesis, we created on the Product level of the future platform online dating service together with methodologists of Human Design methodics. It is a system of self-improvement, which has been developing since the late 80’s. It includes the principles of quantum physics, genetics, astronomy and aspects of the four esoteric systems: astrology, the Hindu system of the chakras, the Kabbalah of Judaism and most of all the I Ching, the Chinese Book of Changes. Thanks to the platform, this complex combination is implemented in a simple interface: the user fills in a questionnaire, after which the system draws his personality card with recommendations on various spheres of life in the format of video lessons and offers friends in compatibility. With no spending on promotion the system, 15,000 users registered there in one month.

In future Human Discovery will provide you with extensive knowledge about human personality

The scope of the methodics of human analysis covers all areas of people’s life — career, personal productivity, health and behavior. In June 2018, a centralized prototype of the system will be created, where blockchain will be used only to calculate the authors’ rewards. In December 2018, a decentralized model will be implemented in which methodics will be stored and executed on the nodes that will receive commission for processing requests. In September 2020, we will implement BigData tools to analyze the results of methodics.

How Token Sale will take place

And now about the main thing. In the near future we are launching our first Token Sale. It will happen on the 22nd of November. We plan to raise $30 million via crowd sale. Minimum capitalization is $500,000. We will issue only 100,000,000 tokens, with the price of each HD-token equal to $0,375. Those who take part in Token Sale during first 24 hours after start will be awarded with bonus in the amount of 20% of purchased tokens. Within 48 hours after the start, the premium bonus will be 10%. The next week — 5% bonus. No any bonuses are planned further.
To protect against price reduction, we will reserve 5% of all raised funds to support the price level from the fall after the completion of the Token Sale. The term of the reserve is 24 months from the moment of the distribution of the tokens.
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Why us?

As cofounders of a large online educational project GetCourse, we know that the most precious value for a human is the knowledge about himself. Many people spend whole life, doing what they don’t like. And they do not see any opportunity for change, ’cause they do not understand what is better for them.
It seems unfair to us that most of the blockchain projects going to the ICO do not bring real value to a person. Together we can make a project that will discover human personality and help millions of people to know themselves better, reveal their personal and career potential, find mentors, partners and friends — in an ecosystem that meets needs of everyone. When blockchain-network has enough data with the help of machine learning tools it will be possible to discover and prove hypotheses, for example, linking a person’s psychotype to the place of birth or refuting existing stereotypes and myths. Let’s make knowledge about ourselves transparent and opened with Human Discovery. Join Token Sale.