Accelerating the Fight Against Tyranny

Human Rights Foundation
Human Rights Foundation (HRF)
3 min readMay 20, 2019

We are re-introducing the Human Rights Foundation to the world.

For 14 years, we have dedicated ourselves to defending the state of individual liberties across the globe, disrupting authoritarian regimes, and advocating for those suffering violations of basic human rights, unjust imprisonment, and extreme danger. Our impact is growing and reaching more and more people living under the rule of oppressive dictators.

We have spent the last year thinking about who we are, what we do, where our work has led us, and where we want to go as we expand our mission. The result is this significant rebrand, which we are launching in the week leading up to the 2019 Oslo Freedom Forum, our annual gathering of courageous pro-democracy activists, technologists, journalists, and industry leaders.

We are incredibly proud of the work we do, and want to share where we have arrived. Thank you to all of you who have accompanied us on this journey. We owe this rebrand to all of you.

Mariana Bernárdez
Creative Director

The Human Rights Foundation has built a global community around the world to stand up for democracy. But in 2019, more than half of the world is still living under tyranny. In the years to come, we are doubling down on our efforts.

An endeavor of this magnitude requires bold actions, a sharp tone, and a focus on supporting the most vulnerable people at any cost.

We are bold when it comes to doing what we do best: taking action against tyranny. Our partners can’t be silenced.

Tyrants don’t want to listen. We force them to. We get laws passed, we free political prisoners, and we speak sharply on behalf of those who are ignored.

The story of freedom is deeply human. We believe that every individual deserves the right to live freely, and scaling our impact requires that the world hears directly from those living under tyranny.

The actions we take, the research we carry out, the events we produce, the programs we create, and the incredible community we are fostering around the world have come together in this unified brand.

The timing of this launch couldn’t be better. The 2019 Oslo Freedom Forum, which kicks off next week, centers on one core message: Unite. Together with millions of people from around the world, we will continue to take action to defend human rights on behalf of those who are most vulnerable.

Explore our new website. Share it with your friends, family, colleagues, and anyone else who is eager to turn the tide against tyranny.



Human Rights Foundation
Human Rights Foundation (HRF)

We promote democracy and human rights around the world, with a focus on authoritarian regimes.