The Sensationalization of Apathy in a Tragedy Thriving Market.

Humberto Mendez Prince
4 min readAug 15, 2023

OceanGate’s tragedy occurred over a month ago, and amidst a myriad of tabloids analyzing, dissecting, and carefully mincing the aftermath of the catastrophe on their respective platforms, you can sense the public’s attention shifting in more accommodating directions.

One symptom of human nature, specifically our affliction with mortality indicates that even if we try to get along there is simply no societal, spiritual, and political middle point in which all members of the planet Earth, or at the very least a huge chunk of the population on the planet, can agree upon.

Its simply not coded in our DNA, and at the heart of it entire wars and conquests have been waged over our disagreements, however, if we can find within us as humans space for an exception, hating the rich would be it, whether it is because of their egotism surrounding activities which none of us mortals could even dream to afford such as Mars exploration trips or eccentric activities ranging from commissioning a second version of the titanic to owning pickled specimens of extinct animals for display, the case is humanity has found a clear consensus on hating the rich, people are not crazy though, those pesky peasants aren't boiling with envy at the sight of rich people for no reason, I would dare argue the reasoning behind this behavior gravitates majorly on a generally underpaid, overworked and neglected middle-class watching a selected group of entitled exploiters splurge money on nonsensical ego-throbbing…

