What Drawbacks does Hurify address in IoT Marketplace

2 min readNov 14, 2017


IoT is still a nascent technology domain, and many companies have yet to start their IoT journey to drive smarter business operations, create new products and change how they interact with their customers. To help the business unlock the value of IoT, IT teams need a way to experiment quickly and cost-effectively, so they can turn new ideas into value-driving IoT applications. Many organizations, however, struggle with

Lack of Agility: IoT application development requires rapid experimentation, frequent iteration and close collaboration between business and IT. Traditional development approaches don’t facilitate the required speed and agility, not to mention active involvement from the business.
Technical Complexity: Teams often struggle to master the complexity of app development necessary for integrating the heterogeneous mix of endpoints, IoT services, back-end systems and data required for IoT solutions.

Skills Shortage: IoT solutions require hard-to-find skills spanning IoT technology, integration, data management, analytics, and app development. According to Gartner, 49 percent of CIOs are expecting to experience IT skills shortages in the next 12 months.

Developing an IoT product or solution is like solving the puzzle. All the right pieces of the puzzle must be put together correctly for creating and launching a successful IoT product.

Growing numbers of companies are working to develop the infrastructure needed for the development of IoT. There are so many players from cloud providers like Amazon and Microsoft, network providers like AT&T and Verizon, and microprocessor providers like ARM and Intel.

Because the IoT domain is often so fragmented, developing an IoT product usually requires working with multiple partners to produce a working solution. When IoT companies advertise themselves as providing independent platforms, they are usually leading collaborations. These platform brands are specialized for a specific domain, and much of the supporting IT pieces must be identified and built by working with several subcontracting partners.

SOLUTION: Most IoT companies are building High Productivity Application Platforms as a Service (hPa PaaS) solution, which are application abstraction layers that help integrate easier and faster IoT development. Hurify is addressing the ground level talent problem of building core skills in engineers and helping them to connect with IoT product development opportunities. The developers get to learn and get paid as they master new and cutting-edge IoT skills.

Hurify is an innovative Smart Contract platform that will bridge the gaps between the IoT solution builders with world-class IoT experts. Hurify creates a blockchain marketplace that facilitates connections between clients wanting to create IoT products and the best developers who can build their products. Developers can list their services for free and IoT clients can browse for these services. Payment for Developer services through Hurify is based upon an Ethereum blockchain that encourages trusted partnerships in the international IoT talent sectors.




The Decentralized Blockchain platform for IoT development. Connect. Collaborate. Create.