A Day In The Life Of A Snowflake

❄️ Ephemeral Or Eternal?

5 min readJul 3, 2024


#snow #snowflake #weather #cold #climat
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

The record for the greatest amount of snow falling in 24 hours was set in Capracotta, Italy, on March 5, 2015, with a height of 2.56 metres of snow.

Indeed, everyone has their own sensitivity, but a snow-covered landscape remains one of the most beautiful sights in the world.

Those millions of invisible crystals accumulate on vast expanses, stripping away all colors to leave nothing but white.

But as you’re aware, these landscapes are dwindling, appearing at latitudes and altitudes higher than ever before.

Will we witness the disappearance of this phenomenon in our lifetime? It might sound a bit dramatic and extreme, but what can I say? I need to catch your attention; that’s the purpose of an introduction, isn’t it?

From Vapor To Crystal

The snowflakes we often see are not a single ice crystal, but rather an agglomeration of many crystals that have stuck together as they fall to earth.

Snow is simply crystallized water.

When water vapor in the atmosphere condenses, it changes from vapor to tiny water droplets and forms clouds.

In the atmosphere, when water vapor cools, it turns into fine liquid droplets…




Earth’s forces are untamable — best we learn to coexist 📘 Author of The Essential Guide Through Nature's Fury