Global Warming Won’t Last Forever

🧊 How The Earth Will Cool Naturally

6 min readJun 12, 2024
#science #space #ice #water #globalwarming
The Snowball Earth

The last ice age ended around 11,700 years ago, marking the beginning of the Holocene, our current interglacial period.

It’s often said that regardless of climate change, humans can disappear but the Earth will survive. This is true.

The Earth has experienced much warmer and much colder periods long before the appearance of humans.

The Earth’s history is marked by an alternation between two periods: Glacial and interglacial.

When ice caps expand inland, sea levels drop, and the Glacial Period begins.
When ice caps melt, sea levels rise, and the Interglacial Period begins.

From a planet engulfed in ice to a completely frozen planet, these cycles influenced by Earth’s orbital characteristics have always governed life.

Causes Of These Cycles — Milankovich

Milutin Milankovitch, a Serbian mathematician and astronomer from the 1920s, was the…




I've dedicated 5 years to studying Natural Disasters. I like to explain the whys and hows of events so everyone can know how to react when needed.