Medium Membership Is Not For You

2 min readJan 14, 2023


Community, Writer, Medium Membership
Photo de Dylan Gillis sur Unsplash

I used the free Medium experience for a year, I have now signed up for the Medium Membership, and I can tell you what has changed.


The subscription allows me to have access to all the premium articles it’s true, but you can already find valuable articles for free on the site.

As for the premium articles, the Medium free experience allows you to read 3 free articles, so with patience, you can still read them over time.

You can write without the Membership, and you can even join Medium Partner Program which allows you to monetize your content, without taking the membership. So what’s the real value of membership?

The real value of Medium membership is not for you but for the others.

If you take the membership, it’s to reward the authors first.

Pay for a subscription so that others can enjoy it, that’s Medium’s idea. Crazy, original? It’s up to you.

In any case, it creates a strong community of mutual support and knowledge sharing. That’s what I liked about it.

We can grow our knowledge and benefit from each other’s advice. We sign up to thank them.

You can of course be part of our community without being a member and show us your value. We will be pleased to know more about you.

Still, if you want to go further, I leave you my affiliate link to register:

➡️ Join Medium Membership now! ⬅️

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Thanks for your time!




I've dedicated 5 years to studying Natural Disasters. I like to explain the whys and hows of events so everyone can know how to react when needed.