The World’s Deepest Mine

⛏️ Mponeng Gold Mine, South Africa

5 min readOct 28, 2023
The World’s Deepest Mine ⛏️ Mponeng gold mine, South Africa
Photo by Taton Moïse on Unsplash

The mine’s tunnels and galleries stretch for more than 800 kilometres (500 miles), which is roughly equivalent to the distance between New York and Toronto.

The Mponeng gold mine is located in South Africa and claims to be the deepest mine in the world.

Some Features of The Mine🔍

Work spaces in the mine can be as narrow as 60 centimetres

Nestled near Carletonville in South Africa, it plunges into the Earth, over 4 kilometers beneath the Earth’s surface.

At such depth, conditions are drastically different from those on the surface. Temperatures soar to intense levels (+30°C per kilometer), while atmospheric pressure increases significantly.

These factors create an inhospitable and demanding environment, requiring mining operations to adapt using advanced technologies and specialized equipment.

The galleries, tunnels, and chambers have been designed to maximize extraction and circulation efficiency.

Ventilation systems help lower the temperature to 50°C (!!) and make work feasible for miners despite these extreme temperatures.




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