Why the Earth Is Shaking

🌏Analogy To Explain Earthquakes

4 min readJan 27, 2023


Why the Earth is Shaking 🌏Understand the earthquakes in pictures
Photo by Jens Aber on Unsplash

Earthquakes occur dozens of times a day on our planet.

Only 20 earthquakes per year are considered strong.

What is the difference between a weak and a strong earthquake?
How do they occur?

An Analogy To Explain

To visualize the effect of an earthquake, imagine a stick with two ends held in your hands.

If you want to break it in two, you will need to exert a certain amount of effort.

This effort is translated into energy, and the energy that you exert on the two ends of the stick will be carried into the stick.

When the energy you are transmitting becomes too high for the stick to withstand, it will break and shatter.

When it breaks, you hear a cracking sound and you feel vibrations in your hands.

You have just reproduced the seismic phenomenon with your stick.

Earthquake analogy

Fault’s Effect

As you can see, the power of an earthquake depends on the size of the break and…




Helping you understand, react to, and protect against natural (hazards) disasters 📘 Author of The Essential Guide Through Nature's Fury