Why Tsunami Happens

🌊Movies ≠ Reality

4 min readFeb 11, 2023


Why Tsunami Happens
Photo by James Ree on Unsplash

Let’s break a myth first. No, a tsunami is not a 100 m high wave in our current conditions.

In fact, a tsunami is a series of waves of great power, and can indeed reach several meters in height (about thirty for the largest recorded).

Since it is a series of waves, you will understand that it is better to take refuge in the ground and get some height, rather than taking your boat hoping to pass over the wave before it crashes.

But can a tsunami reach a hundred meters in extreme conditions? Well, we will see in the causes of tsunamis.

Tsunami, natural disaster
Photo by Axel Antas-Bergkvist on Unsplash

What is it?

Tsunamis are a series of waves, we can compare them to the effect of a very fast tide.

That is to say that the water level will rise very high very quickly (about ten minutes), and then the sea will eventually retreat.

This is why we can sometimes see the sea withdrawing more than usual before the arrival of a tsunami. A tsunami can travel at speeds of up to 800km/h (500 miles/h).

If it forms in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, it will reach the American and…




Earth’s forces are untamable — best we learn to coexist 📘 Author of The Essential Guide Through Nature's Fury