QTUM 101: Switching to Testnet

3 min readJun 27, 2018


We recently switched to QTUM and realised that some little things might not be as simple for everyone. So we decided to start a mini series to help other people start building on QTUM.

By now we assume that you managed to download the QTUM core wallet which is main application that is used to deploy the QTUM based smart contracts.

You are ready to dabble around but are not too keen on burning real QTUM. So, is there a Testnet, and how do I switch to the Testnet?

The short answer is YES, there is a Testnet, but you cannot make the switch through the core wallet. Now let’s get on to making the switch.

For this guide we are using MAC OS X and Qtum Core version mainnet-ignition-v0.15.1 (64-bit)

Step 1: Launch Terminal

Terminal provides a command line interface to control the UNIX-based operating system of MAC OS X and it is the only way to redirect the core wallet to the test network.

  • Press: ⌘+Spacebar
  • Search: Terminal

You should now be facing this bland window.

Step 2: Switching Time

Now this part will require a little copy pasting skills.

  • Enter: cd /Applications/Qtum-QT.app/Contents

This will open the QTUM core wallet files.

  • Enter: ls

With the above line we can peek into the QTUM core wallet content.

  • Enter: cd MacOS/

Time to make a little modification on the wallet.

  • Enter: ./Qtum-Qt --testnet

And Voila! You are now on QTUM core Testnet. The core wallet should launch automatically.

Step 3: Getting some Free Testnet QTUMs

You are now officially on QTUM Testnet, feel free to go wild with no financial consequences! However you still need some fake money to fund your new playground.

First of all let’s get a QTUM address.

  • Go to: Receive Tab
  • Click: Request payment

This will give you a new QTUM Testnet address, which you can use to claim your Testnet QTUMs here.

Now just paste your address into the empty space and Ka-Ching!

Any Questions?

If you have any other questions feel free to contact us on any of the channels below or by email at info@iame.io

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