IATokens Announces Great News Prior to Upcoming IEO

1 min readOct 21, 2019


Bombing Strategy — 10 Tokens Burned For Every 1 Token Sold

IAT announces great news before the launch of its Initial Exchange Offering (IEO), which will be offered on the Probit Global Exchange.

The Probit Global Exchange is a professional digital currency exchange with a large following which we feel will be the best platform for the project’s first IEO of such a great project like CitiOS. This Probit IEO will present one of the best opportunities for individuals looking to be part of the exciting IAT Project.

When is the IEO scheduled?

The project managers have tentatively placed the IEO launch date in end November.

Interested Individuals will be able to purchase IA tokens with ETH, BTC, XRP, USDT or PROB.

The Bombing Strategy

The project will be implementing a bombing strategy where 10 tokens will be burned for every 1 tokens sold during the IEO.

This strategy will balance the supply and demand of the tokens and more importantly, reward early adopters of the project.




The IA Tokens concept aims to revolutionize the real estate industry using Blockchain technology through the development of the IAT Platform.