The Miracle Tree: A layman’s guide to Moringa Miracles

I Am Moringa
6 min readAug 1, 2022


Moringa: The Miracle Tree

Moringa oleifera is the Ayurvedic cultural heritage of India. Known by its common name, Drumstick, and yet unknown in terms of benefits.

The inheritance of recipes from generations includes Drumstick fruit in every cuisine of India. The health benefits of Moringa are as many as the number of names it possesses.

What is Moringa called in Indian languages?

Moringa tree is a versatile boon for humans. India is the land of variety and diversity but healthy cuisines and tasty recipes are what combines the kitchens into one.

Moringa in Different Indian Languages

Being a native of India, Moringa tree is most commonly called Sehjan or Sanjan in Hindi and Urdu. It is called Muringa, or Murinna in Malyalam languages to Sujana in Marathi, and Sunara in Himalayan regions, it turns to Saragvo in Gujarati. Every state and every language has a unique, yet similar name for Moringa.

They are called Drumsticks due to their elongated fruit shapes. However, the real attraction lies in the variety of uses.

A way to Plant-Based diet?

The world is largely turning towards plant-based diet. Moringa is a Super Food, that cures existing health and body issues, while preventing any probable health risks.

The Indian cuisine comprises of Drumsticks traditionally, with scientific proof of the unmatchable and its awareness would only work wonders for human health. Compassion, empathy, and environmental consciousness has driven many towards a plant-based diet. However, Moringa still remains a hidden gem.

What is Moringa good for?

The real question is, what is Moringa not good for. It is called the Miracle Tree. Working miracles on human health is what Moringa is good for.

A quick search over Instagram, Google, or Pinterest would give you graphical representations of Moringa exceeding other foods. Let us save you the hassle. Here’s what Moringa is good for:

We all remember our school days, especially how ‘mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell’. However, it is important to know that Moringa is a powerhouse in itself.

Moringa Benefits

Packed with 46 antioxidants, 13 vitamins, 10 minerals, 8 essential amino acids, and a variety of the good fats, it is rightly called the superfood.

The Miracle tree grows with the legacy of Ayurveda and spreads its roots with science. Not only for internal health, Moringa extends its miraculous virtues to the external appearance as well.

A healthy gut ensures a healthy appearance. In a world that readily calls out on toxicity, Moringa should be trending for flushing out the toxicity of the body.

Moringa works wonders for diabetic people. Those suffering from diabetes, develop hypertension in the longer run. Dozens of medicines in a day to maintain blood sugar levels can be tiring. However, moringa powder, or moringa tablets and capsules can bring down the numbers.

The Super food reaches the heart and keeps it beating with happiness as well. It contains niaziminin and othiocynate. These compounds help lessen the cholesterol build up within the arterial walls. Hence, less risk of developing hypertension.

Liver is the detoxifying organ of the body, and hence of utmost importance. Moringa consumption is known to improve the condition of severely damaged liver as well.

Kidneys, like liver, help eliminate toxins from the body. Hence, it becomes mandatory to take good care of kidney functioning. Drumstick, and its extracts essentially aid these organs in freeing the body of everything that harms.

Cancer is one of the most terrifying and adamant disorder. But, moringa is one wondrous plant that helps prevent cancer, and helps mitigate its effects.

To lower down on the severity and fatality, let us talk about stomach issues. From constipation to gastric ulcers, moringa extracts can sooth your stomach. Thus, one never compromises with taste and choice when it comes to food. One condition: include the soothing goodness of Moringa in regular diet.

With more fiber and protein, Drumstick or Moringa leaf powder can become an effective protein supplement. A plant based, preservative free nutrition supplement to keep you healthy and nourished.

In addition to all the health benefits, the properties of Moringa keep you stress free. When the body rejoices with the food you take, your mind finds reasons to smile. Moringa oleifera is known to aid in coping with mental stress, and effects of depression.

(Note: We are not implying that Moringa is the only solution for severe mental disorders like depression. Medical attention and proper diagnosis are important for every disorder or disease)

How to consume Moringa?

Moringa leaves have pungent to bitter taste. Moringa fruits, rather drumsticks have always been a part of curries in various parts of India. However, if the healthy greens on your plate look unappetizing, there are Moringa tablets and capsules available.

Moringa is a versatile food. Powdered moringa leaves can be used as a condiment in various recipe: from keto and paleo diet to ‘who-cares?’ diet, Moringa can be infused with anything. Thus, the super food.

Where to find Moringa products?

We have got you covered. IAmMoringa is one of the healthiest brands by Thylakoid Biotech Pvt. Ltd. that manufactures a variety of Moringa products.

I AM Moringa Product Range

If you are not sure about the taste and quantity of Moring intake, switch to IAmMoringa spices. The taste and tadka of Indian spices with the perfect balanced of high quality Moringa powder would render every recipe tasteful. Additionally, health will never take a backseat in your home.

Sometimes food becomes boring, and requires a spicy boost. Here’s where IAmMoringa Peri Peri seasoning comes to the rescue. Peri Peri fries with a healthy twist? Who would have thought about it? Any food that requires a dash of spice and a pinch of excitement needs IAmMoringa Peri Peri as a companion.

Soups are the perfect comfort foods for us. What if there is a faster way to healthier ready-to-cook soups? IAmMoringa Soupy shots is the perfect match for a cozy weekend binge night. Just boil water, and breathe in the aroma of a healthful soup, ready to be ravished.

Moringa has found its way to be perfectly blended with chocolate as IAmMoringa Cocobar. For those looking for healthier substitutes: IAmMoringa Nutribar.

Our bodies are temples, and need to be treated royally. Hence, IAmMoringa Royal Jelly. A daily health supplement to boost overall immunity, health, and aid in the general well-being of the body.

Once the whole meal is sorted, why leave mouth fresheners out of the list? IAmMoringa Mor-Pan Mukhwas. It is surprising how easily Moringa blends with just about anything. Inspite of its pungent taste, the smaller quantities and huge benefits make it the best choice.

Some health and body issues are inevitable with age, gender, and lifestyle habits. To prevent, and help reducing the effects of such diseases and disorders, the benefits of Moringa are packed into tablets and capsules.

IAmMoringa tablet and capsules are the daily dose of Moringa goodness minus the hassle of cooking it into various foods.

IAmMoringa Diacare capsules are specially formulated for diabetic patients to keep their sugar levels in check.

Women are the special creation of Universe and require special care and attention. IAmMoringa Women’s special tablets help aid women deal with health in a better way. A super food for the super women!

In Conclusion

Concluding the Moringa Miracle Tales, we would like to point out the ease of access of Moringa. Additionally, the wide range of products make health within taste’s reach.

Still skeptical? Try out our products and put your doubts to rest.

