25 Ways To Master Your Time

The Art of Time Mastery

The Master Philosopher©️
6 min readApr 8, 2017

From coaching others, managing myself, and observing others, I’ve seen firsthand how people struggle with time management. Here are some effective strategies I’ve personally used and recommended to help people make time in their lives.

1. Know your schedule

Familiarize yourself with important dates, times, locations, travel distances, tasks, and assignments you’re responsible for.


2. Make a list

Create two lists:

Things I need to do:




Things that waste time:




Reduce & eliminate time wasting activities.

3. Plan fun AFTER work

Make time for fun activities AFTER you’ve completed your essential activities. Determine 1–5 key activities you NEED to complete for the day. Completing these key activities is your priority. Develop the habit of having fun as your reward after working.


4. Visualize the process

Before starting an activity, picture in your mind’s eye the key actions that will help you complete it. Visualize yourself performing the actions needed for the moment. Focus on the process.


5. Travel faster

Travel in straight lines to shave off extra minutes on travel.


6. Travel lighter

Lighter travel is more efficient travel. Pack essentials.

Ask yourself: “Do I absolutely need this item, can I go without it?”


7. Establish your values

By establishing what you value you eliminate all other inessential activities.


8. Work while you wait

During periods of inactivity: learn, practice, plan, organize, strategize, and reflect.


9. Pack

Pack what you need ahead of time. Use more compact and space efficient packages, luggage, and bags.


10. Create back ups

Create alternative plans for yourself so your day flows smoothly if changes happen.

If _________ doesn’t work out, or plans fall through, what will you do?


11. Find ways to get ahead of schedule

Take the initiative to get ahead, within reason. Make sure you’re not too far ahead of schedule/plans. Remember, plans change. You want your efforts to count and be relevant for what’s needed at the time.


12. Live simply

Adopt a minimalist and lean lifestyle. Complexity costs time, energy, and effort. Fine tastes and material things can complicate life, practice moderation. Focus on the basics.


13. Make HEALTH your #1 priority

Prioritize your life around your meals, sleep, self-care, and exercise times. These activities allow you to be productive on a short & long term basis. Base the rest of your schedule around health. This will reveal the window of opportunity you have each day to perform your essential activities.


14. Reduce time with people holding you back

Limit your time with people who drain your time/energy in nonessential ways.


15. Reduce inefficiencies

Identify habits that waste valuable pockets of time, limit them.

Reduce: long periods of eating, traveling, talking, browsing social media, etc.

*Tip: Use a timer to give yourself a limit for breaks, meals, or social media usage.


16. Set deadlines

Give yourself LESS time to complete activities, this will give you a sense of urgency. You WILL rise to the occasion and/or figure out ways to get things done faster.

1. Pick an activity

2. Estimate how long it will take to complete.

3. Set a timer for that estimated time

4. REDUCE that amount by 10–30min

5. Begin.


17. Change your perspective on time

Before deciding and committing to activities, think about the time/effort cost. Time is currency. The amount of time required for certain activities may not be worth the time invested.

“Is ____________ worth my time?”

“Could I spend my time on something more beneficial and life enhancing?”


18. Practice discipline

Practice a life of disciplined flexibility.

19. Practice “Speed of Implementation”

Immediately prioritize and execute tasks/assignments/errands the moment they arise.


20. Stack activities

Combine PASSIVE & ACTIVE activities.

ex) Laundry/reading, travel/reading, cardio/creating content, waiting/planning


21. Wake up earlier


22. Be thorough

Do activities the right way the FIRST TIME. Perform the activity the right way to avoid having to come back to do it again later.


23. Plan your social life wisely

Create a balance between the activities you choose and your friends choose to do. Focus on the QUALITY of time you spend with others.


24. Prepare the night before

Prepare the night before: clothes, food, vitamins, backpack/suitcase/bag, supplies, etc.


25. Pair activities together

Warning: Use sparingly, in the event you NEED fun…

*Pair a Productive/Unproductive activity together:

ex) Taking notes/Watching YouTube, Watching TV/exercising, browsing social media/exercising.


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Individuals Aspiring Mastery (I AM) is for those seeking self-mastery in every area of life.



The Master Philosopher©️

Writing Magician✍🏽 ∞ Thought Leader💭 Philosopher𓂀🧿 Intuitive Teacher🔮 Philosophically Enlightening Minds✨ Sharing Universal Truth-Wisdom🌍