How To Be Your Own Intuitive Doctor: Preventing Physical, Mental, and Emotional, and Spiritual Burnout

The Art of Self-Diagnosis

The Master Philosopher©️
7 min readJul 17, 2017

Have you ever felt burned out?

You may be expending lots of energy in your life through work, relationships, and your personal life. You’re giving a lot in life, but when do you take the time for you? When do you take the time to receive and give yourself what you need and deserve? By continuing to give and give you eventually reach a point where you’re off balance and/or neglect your needs. So, the inevitable happens…you burnout. You feel tired mentally, physically, emotionally, or spiritually. You’re stressed, have low energy, and can’t find the motivation to do anything. Burnout costs you valuable time (days or even weeks), because you’re recovering. By the time you’ve reached this point of no return, it’s already too late…you’re experiencing burnout.

If they key to your health isn’t in your own hand, it may in the hands of someone/something who it doesn’t belong to.

CALL TO ACTION: Be your own “Intuitive Doctor” to live a life of EMPOWERMENT & VIBRANT HEALTH.

It is YOUR responsibility to take proactive care of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. This responsibility comes from practicing self-diagnosis.

What is “Self-Diagnosis”?

What are the parts (“AIM”) of Self-Diagnosis?

1. Awareness of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual state.

2. Improvement: taking steps to improve balance, changing to the desired state.

3. Maintenance: ensuring lasting change(s)

What is a “Self Check-In?”

How do Self Check-Ins work?

*KEY: Use acronyms to bring awareness to areas that need checking in (mind, body, and spirit).

Purpose of Check In’s:

  • Intentionally connect with yourself
  • Prevention
  • Self-care
  • Self-empowerment

Self Check-In Benefits

  • Focus on health prevention BEFORE issues occur
  • Gain self-awareness
  • Practice self-care
  • Become present, grounded, and centered
  • Recognize your needs

Why do check-ins?

As race car drivers race on the track, eventually they have to make a “pit stop” so their race car can be repaired, refueled, and checked out. Humans need to do the same thing when living daily life, or else their tires will become misaligned and their vehicle will break down.

Check-In Areas:

Body, Mind, Emotions, Spirit.

Mind, Body, Emotions, and Spirit are your priorities. You can also check-in with other areas, but your focus should be mind, body, emotions, and spirit.

Other check-in areas: Relationships, Career, Personal Growth, Happiness, etc.

How do you prevent burnout from happening in the first place?

How do you know if you’re at your BEST?

How do you CHECK-IN with your mind, body, emotions, and spirit?

How To Check-In With Yourself:

1. Ask yourself: Am I at “MY BEST”?

“MY BEST” = ‘Mind-Your Body, Emotions, Spirit, Thoughts’



B-Body (What is your body telling you?)

E-Emotions (What do you feel? Were any emotions stirred up today?)

S-Spirit (How is your spirit? Is your intuition speaking to you, are you listening?)

T-Thoughts (What kinds of thoughts are you having? (Negative, positive, judgemental, self-defeating, fearful, doubtful, limiting)

ACTION STEP: Use the acronym “MY BEST” as a reminder to check-in with your body, mind, emotions, and spirit.

2. Check In:

“CHECK IN” = Choices, Health, Energy, Contribution, Knowledge, Intuition, Nutrition

C-Choices (What kinds of choices are you making, positive, negative, neutral?)

H-Health (How is the state of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health?

E-Energy (What are your energy levels like?)

C-Contribution (How are you giving to the world, are you contributing?)

K-Kindness (Are you being kind to yourself and others?)

I-Intuition (What is your intuition telling you, what do you sense?)

N-Nutrition (Is the food you’re eating agreeing/disagreeing with you? How do you feel? Are you satiated, bloated, energized?)

ACTION STEP: Use the acronym “CHECK-IN” to check your state throughout the day/week.

3. Tune into your senses

What do you see?

What do you hear?

What do you taste?

What do you feel?

What do you smell?

4. Practice a self-awareness ritual

5. Address STRESS

ACTION STEP: Remember the acronym “STRESS” when you feel stressed, perform these steps to balance yourself.

What do you do once you check in with yourself?,79,500,500&q=98&fm=jpg&fit=max

1. Practice self-care

Give yourself what you need. Look at the acronyms, check the status of each letter as it relates to your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health and take action.

2. Improve yourself (Instagram, SoundCloud, iTunes )

Self-improvement is self-love. Follow my Blog, Instagram, and Podcast for ways to improve your mind, body, and spirit.

3. Get help (if needed)

4. Go to a medical doctor

What happens if you don’t check in with yourself?
  • Lose self-awareness
  • Experience burnout
  • Not present (in the moment)
  • Overlook potential health issues
  • Ungrounded

What if you don’t know what you feel?,67,500,500&q=98&fm=jpg&fit=max
  • Seek understanding by talking with someone you trust and/or a health professional.
  • Write down concerning thoughts that come to mind
  • Practice meditation
  • Reconnect with your heart
  • Practice self-reflection
  • Practice stillness
  • Exercise
  • Create & Express yourself
  • Problem Tip: If you don’t feel right inside/outside, write down what you feel. Then, write down the question WHY. Keep asking WHY until you discover the root cause of the issue. If you can’t identify WHY yourself, then seek outside resources to help you.

To learn how to ask WHY…

When would you do a self-check in?
  • Periodically throughout your day
  • Unsure about what to do in a situation
  • Overwhelmed
  • Stuck

Takeaway Point: Check in with your mind, body, emotions, and spirit. To check in with yourself is to love yourself, and do what’s best for your health. Checking in with yourself is taking the time to go inward for Awareness, Improvement, and Maintenance (“AIM”).

Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

Action Steps: Use and create acronyms to check in with yourself daily/weekly to identify your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual states.

Question of the day: How do you check in with yourself, and practice self-care?

Individuals Aspiring Mastery &

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Individuals Aspiring Mastery (I AM) is for those seeking physical, mental, and spiritual self-mastery.

Individuals Aspiring Mastery is about defining, creating, and mastering yourself.



The Master Philosopher©️

Writing Magician✍🏽 ∞ Thought Leader💭 Philosopher𓂀🧿 Intuitive Teacher🔮 Philosophically Enlightening Minds✨ Sharing Universal Truth-Wisdom🌍