How To Gain Personal Power & Become The Ultimate Superhero of your Life

The Art of Self-Empowerment

The Master Philosopher©️
14 min readJul 26, 2017

What’s your superpower?

How does someone gain power?

What makes someone powerful?

How can you empower yourself?

“Power” (n): the ability to DO something or ACT in a particular way, especially as a faculty or quality.


Posse” (Latin) = to be able

“Potis” (Latin) = powerful

“Poeir” (French) = to be able

To have power is to… DO something, Control, INFLUENCE, Be ABLE.

“Empowerment” (n): authority or power GIVEN to someone to do something the process of becoming STRONGER and more confident, especially in CONTROLLING one’s life and claiming one’s rights.

What is Self-Empowerment?

Empowerment = taking responsibility, controlling yourself, giving to yourself, directing yourself, strengthening yourself, believing in yourself, loving yourself.

Too often people willingly give their power away to people/things that it doesn’t belong to.

“Weakness” (n): giving away your power to someone/something it doesn’t belong to.

One gains true power when they are able to tap into their mind, body, and spirit to manifest what they please. Manifesting the mental into the physical is among one of the greatest powers you have. Power is being able to ACT, DO, or CONTROL something. Power can be used for both positive, negative, and neutral purposes. Make sure the power you’re using is used for GOOD.

True empowerment of the mind, body, and spirit creates a feeling unlike any other. Self-empowerment is a feeling & ability that changes you. You can’t have fire without a spark, self-empowerment is the spark. When you empower yourself you light a blazing fire inside your heart that feels infinite. You are no longer the same person you once were. You feel a newfound sense of strength, confidence, and power that is grounded in inner strength. If you can get better or enhance something about yourself, you can empower yourself.

Empowerment begins with the decision to take control and ownership over your life. Empowering yourself means being your own authority, savior, guide, and resource. ANYONE can empower themselves at ANY TIME through taking control of their mind (thoughts, decisions), body (actions), and spirit. We ALL aspire to be powerful in some capacity, which is natural. But, there is a major difference between actually BEING powerful vs. FEELING powerful.

You ALWAYS hold power, it’s up to YOU to find the ways in which you have power.

CALL TO ACTION: We as humans need to claim our true power, not the kind that others ALLOW us to have. Claim your power by empowering your mind, body, and spirit.

There is nothing wrong with wanting, building, and using power; as long as it’s used for GOOD.

Power can be gained, depleted, and replenished.

3 Kinds (Degrees) of Power:

(“TRI”) = True, Real, Illusory (most →least powerful)

1. Illusory Power

Description: Illusory power gives the experiencer DECEPTIVE feelings of accomplishment and self-worth. Ultimately, illusory power leads to ego inflation and SELF-DESTRUCTION. Illusory power can be transformed into real & true power through changes in character (body, mind, spirit), manifestation, and heart.

Traits: close-minded, rigid, incapable, weak, intangible, disrespectful, fearful, insensitive, insecure, ignorant, helpless, lazy, disadvantaged…

Illusory power is…

-NOT grounded in anything TANGIBLE

-Based in ILLUSION and self-deception

-Based in FEAR and manipulation

-Based in WEAKNESS

2. Real Power

Description: Real power is felt and embodied. Real power is the middle ground between Illusory & True Power. Real power is TANGIBLE, and is in the process of being grown and improved upon by the experiencer.

Real Power…

-Makes things happen

-Tries their best

-Creates results

-Makes mistakes, learns lessons

-Achieves goals

Traits: tangible, trying, building skills, refining, working towards something, doing, practicing, doing well, striving.

Real power is…



Real power improves.

3. True Power

Description: True power is the ultimate form of power because it grows BEYOND itself, beyond the experiencer. True power is unleashed when connected to something GREATER than the experiencer. True power is unleashed with divine connection and alignment with mind, body, and spirit. True power is self-mastery.

Traits: tangible, free, empowering, more than capable, respectful, influential, competent, in control, courageous, heartfelt, harmonious, open minded, strong, confident, trusting, pure, humble, receptive…

True power is…

-Grounded in truth, virtue, character, and love.

-Grounded in PURPOSE.

-Grounded in something PURE.

-Heartfelt, respectful, awing in nature.

What happens when you don’t have power?

When someone says they don’t have any power it means that they’re not “FEELING” powerful. But in reality, you ALWAYS hold power. You need to CLAIM power for yourself.

Power isn’t always visible, so you have to remind yourself that you always have power in the form of your mind, body, heart, and spirit.

Consequences of lack of self-empowerment…

-Power can be taken from you

-Others can manipulate you


-Loss of self-esteem

-Loss of faith

Remember: You hold power in EVERY situation through the ability to empower your mind, body, heart, and spirit.

Self-empowerment is…








How do you know when you’ve empowered yourself?

You’re self-empowered when you have the ability to…

  • Self-Sustain (energy)
  • Self-Generate
  • Self-Improve
  • Self-Master (mind, body, spirit)
  • Self-Maintain
  • Shift your thoughts
  • Manifest your goals, desires, ideas
  • Gain self-awareness
  • Gain strength, confidence, personal power

Signs of self-empowerment…
  • Improving
  • Progressing
  • Learning
  • Growing
  • Expanding
  • Leading
  • Inspiring/Motivating
  • Transcending
  • Sharing/Teaching
  • Responsibilities

What are the requirements for Self-Empowerment?
  • Willingness to ENDURE
  • Willingness to IMPROVE
  • Willingness to SACRIFICE
  • Willingness to LEARN
  • Willingness to GROW
  • Willingness to DO

What are the kinds of power?

  • Mental (knowledge, information, facts, ideas)
  • Physical (health/body)
  • Spiritual (etheric, astral)
  • Material (power of things/items)
  • Chemical (medical/addictions)
  • Visible/Invisible

How to identify Illusory Power:


F-Fearful (Does the power make your feel fearful? Illusory power operates from a place of fear.)

A-Alarming (Does the power alarm you in some way, does something not feel right?)

L-Limited (Is the power limited in its abilities and actions?)

S-Suspicious (Does something not feel right about the power? Is there any reason to feel suspicious about this power?)

E-Exploits (Is the power using you for gain? False power exploits others in selfish ways.)


I-Insensitive (Is the power sensitive towards your feelings? Does the power consider your feelings? Illusory power doesn’t recognize others and their feelings as valid.)

L-Lying (Has the power lied before?)

L-Limited (Is the power limited in it’s mindset?)

U-Unreliable (How reliable is the power? Has the power delivered before?)

S-Suspicious (Is there any suspicious activity surrounding the power? Is their any reason to be suspicious?)

I-Ignorant (Is the power ignorant?)

O-Oppressive (Does the power abuse others, if so, how?)

N-Nonsense (Does the power make sense? Does the power have substance, reason, or purpose?)


How is the power benefiting from me?


C-Corrupt (“willingness to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain”)

O-Ominous (“giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen”)

N-Negative (“not desirable or optimistic”)


F-Faulty (Does the power make lots of mistakes?)

E-Exploitative (Is the power using others unfairly/selfishly?)

A-Alarming (Does anything alarm you about the power?)

R-Rigid (Is the power rigid in its ideology?)


W-Withdrawn (How visible and present is the power? Does it impact your life without it having to be there?)

E-Empty-handed (What does the power have to validate its existence? Does the power have results to support itself?)

A-Angry (Does the power operate from a place of anger?)

K-Know-it-all (Does the power believe or claim to “know everything” or have “all the answers”?)


I-Insecure (Is the power insecure about itself or its abilities/structure?)

L-Limiting (Is the power limited in its thinking? Does the power limit others?)

L-Losing (Does the power have a winning record? How often has the power been successful in its efforts?)

U-Ungrounded (How present, grounded, and centered is the power? Does the power have a solid foundation of character and virtue?)

S-Substandard (What is the standard the power upholds?)

I-Intangible (How tangible is the power? What kind of power does the experiencer/thing have? True power has results to show for itself.)

O-Oppressive (Does the experiencer oppress others?

N-Negative (Is the power/experiencer negative, if so, in what ways?)

How to identify Real Power:


T-Truthful (Did you truly try?)

R-Respectable (Did you make respectable progress?)

Y-Yearning (Did you really want to try and achieve _____?)

“LEARN” (Real Power LEARNS)

L-Listen (Did you actively listen to what was being said?)

E-Engage (Were you engaged in learning and participating? Were you active/passive?)

A-Application (How can you apply what you’ve learned? Did you apply your knowledge?)

R-Responsibility (How responsible were you for taking charge of your learning?)

N-Newness (Did you expose yourself to new ideas/knowledge? What NEW thing did you learn?)

“BUILDS” (Real power BUILDS)

B-Blueprint (What is the personal blueprint of the person? What makes them who they are?)

U-Understand (How well does the person understand others?)

I-Improve (Does the person improve over time? How do they improve themselves?)

L-Learn (Are they open to learning? What do they learn about?)

D-Discipline (How disciplined is the person?)

S-Skilled (What kinds of skills do they have? Do they use their skills?)

“DO” (Real Power DOES something)

How to identify True Power:

“LOVE” (True Power has LOVE)

L-Light hearted (Does the person have a light heart? Do they carry a lot of unsolved baggage?)

O-Optimistic (How optimistic is the person?)

V-Virtuous (What is the person’s character like? What kind of values do they have, do they live by them?)

E-Enlightening (Do they bring light to your life? Do they give you greater knowledge and understanding?)

“Enlighten” (v): greater knowledge and understanding about a subject or situation.

“LEADER” (True Power is a LEADER)

L-Listen (How well does the person listen? Do they listen more than they speak?)

E-Empathize (How well does the person understand others and their feelings?)

A-Ask Questions (Does the person ask questions? Are they curious?)

D-Decisions (What kinds of decisions do the person make? What are the quality of the decisions they make?)

E-Encourage (Does the person encourage others? How well do they encourage themselves?)

R-Receptive (Is the person receptive to feedback and new knowledge?)

“PURE” (True Power is PURE)

P-Plentiful (Look to the SOURCE of power. Does the power come from a plentiful source? Is the power plentiful and abundance with resources? Is the source of power tangible? Is the power based in truth, character, virtue, love?)

True power comes from a place of abundance.

U-Used for Good (Is the power used for positive purposes?)

R-Real (Is the power based in TRUTH? Does the power exist in reality?)

E-Embodied (Is the power embodied and living?)

“Embody” (v): to be an expression of or give a tangible or visible form to (an idea, quality, or feeling).


T-Tangible (Is the power real, is it visible/invisible? What has the power created? Does the person have tangible results?)

R-Reality-based (Does the power exist in reality? Does the power represent things as they are?)

U-Uplifting (How uplifting is the person/power?)

E-Embodied (Does the person give visible form to the power?)

“REAL” (True Power is REAL)

R-Receptive (Is the person receptive to feedback and new knowledge?)

E-Embodied/Enhancing (Does the person give visible form to the power? Does the person/power enhancing your life or others?)

A-Accomplished (How accomplished is the person or power in its history? What has the power achieved?)

L-Love based (Is the person/power expressed in a spirit of love?)


P-Progressive (How does the person progress in thought, action, and character? Do they favor new/different ideas?)

O-Open minded (How open-minded is the person to new ideas/thoughts/ways of being)

W-Willing (How willing is the person? How willing is the person TO DO, TO ACT, TO BE?)

E-Enhancing (Does the person enhance your live or the lives of others?)

R-Respectful (Does the person have self-respect? Is the person respectful of others?)

“UP” (True Power raises you UP)

Does the power uplift you and encourage you to unleash your potential?

“FREE” (True Power is FREE)

F-Flexible (How flexible is the person/power to change and flow with life?)

R-Released from normality (True power is released from the normal constraints of society, because it is grounded in divine plan and universal law. Is the person/power released from normality, is it operates from a different dimension/existence?)

E-Evolving (How does the person/power evolve over time? How has the person/power evolved over time?)

E-Enhancing (Does the person/power enhance or sustain itself and others? Is the power enhancing and expanding in nature?)

“HUMBLE” (True Power is HUMBLE)

H-Heartfelt (Does the person have heart? Does the person live from their core and true essence?)

U-Uncritical (Does the person criticize others in hurtful/nonconstructive ways? Does the person let others live their lives as they please?)

M-Meritorious (Has the person done something worthy of recognition?)

B-Balanced ego (Does the person have a health sense of self-esteem?)

L-Level headed (Is the person level-headed, do they stay grounded?)

E-Esteemed (Is the person respectable/admirable?)

Benefits of self-empowerment…

-Become physically, mentally, and spiritual stronger

-Become your own authority

-Become your own teacher

-Become your own superhero

-Become your own savior

-Become stronger

-Become more confident

-Become self-sustaining

Empowering Affirmations:

“Let’s Go Champ”

“I can do anything I put my mind and heart into”

“With every step I get better and better”

“I am the master of my mind, body, and spirit”

“My heart is open, I am open to giving and receiving love”

“I am open to the best experiences life has to offer”

“Everything I touch turns to gold”

“I am infinitely valuable”

“I am limitless and expansive”

“I embrace and flow with life”

“My spirit is free”

“I will give more to life”

“ I WILL _________”

“I am infinitely powerful”

“I am infinitely creative”

Empowering Influencers:

-Berwick Mahdi Davenport (spirituality/power)

-Ray Lewis (greatness)

-Lewis Howes (greatness)

-Eric Thomas (inspiration)

-Zach Even Esh (strength)

-Jocko Willink (discipline/fitness)

-Gary Vaynerchuk (business)

-Joe Rogan (ideas/thoughts)

-Elliott Hulse (strength/mindset)

CALL TO ACTION: CLAIM your power, BUILD your power, EXPAND your power, SHARE your power. Don’t wait for someone else to give you power, claim it for yourself.
“All for one, one for all”


  • Empower your mind, body, and spirit
  • Tap into your superpower, flex your superpower, share your superpower.
  • Become your own authority.
  • Live in your power
  • Empower others
  • Become AWARE of your power, IMPROVE your power, MAINTAIN your power (“AIM”) (self mastery blog)
  • Live in your power EVERY DAY.

Question of the Day: What is your superpower?

Individuals Aspiring Mastery &

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Individuals Aspiring Mastery (I AM) is for those seeking physical, mental, and spiritual self-mastery.

Individuals Aspiring Mastery is about defining, creating, and mastering yourself.



The Master Philosopher©️

Writing Magician✍🏽 ∞ Thought Leader💭 Philosopher𓂀🧿 Intuitive Teacher🔮 Philosophically Enlightening Minds✨ Sharing Universal Truth-Wisdom🌍