How To Flirt With Creativity

Ways to Draw Out Your Creative Ideas

The Master Philosopher©️
6 min readSep 26, 2016

Some people say, “I’m not creative.” Yes you are! We ALL are creative. We just need to know HOW to tap into our inborn creativity.

Creativity is a state of mind.

What’s YOUR definition of creativity?

Here’s how to fire up your mental cylinders for creative imagination…

1. Absorb from your environment

Observe & analyze stimuli in your environment. Nature, people, surroundings.

Use the external to influence the internal.

2. Look for patterns, trends, and behaviors

What do you commonly see?

How does _________work?

3. Be social

Meet new people, talk to them and gather ideas. Ask for thoughts & opinions.

Float around creative people.

4. Do something different

To spark different thoughts in your mind, do something different. Change up your day by changing how you interact with life.

5. Drink water

Water symbolizes flow. When one is creative, they are in the flow state.

“Take a peaceful pause by a foundation, pond, or riverbank if you can for creative refreshment.” — Patricia Einstein

Drink water to keep creativity flowing.

6. Eat a wholesome diet

One can’t have clear thoughts if their mind is cloudy from processed foods.

You are what you eat.

7. Exercise

Exercise increases blood flow and oxygen to the brain, affecting the quality of your thoughts.

8. Keep a creativity log

When you get an idea or insight, write it down immediately! Let the idea flow without editing it. Brainstorm with the first ideas that come to you.

Log your insights, dreams, ideas, and observations. Use a phone, notebook, cards, etc.

9. Find your creative rhythms

Creation is best when you’re alert & fresh. Schedule your creative activities around your energetic cycles.

Find the best time for you to create, and schedule activities around that time.

10. Stimulate the right brain

11. Meditate

Meditation is PROVEN to increase creativity!

Breathe, Relax, Concentrate.

12. Tune into your emotions

For creative ideas, tune into your emotions. Emotions are the source of ideas. Ask, “How am I feeling?” & “What am I feeling?” Based on your emotional state, you can create.

Tune into your feels…

13. Find your intelligence type

If you know your areas of intelligence, you can find out HOW to absorb information in order to create.

14. Say Creative Affirmations

To be creative, you need to BELIEVE that you are creative.

“I am creative”

“I am open to creative ideas & insights”

“Ideas are flowing through me”

15. Go outside

Connect with nature, ground yourself.

16. Develop your intuition

Your inner awareness and sense of knowing is linked to your creativity.

Here’s a great book I’ve read on Intuition…

If you’d to like to learn more from this book I post daily chapter summaries on my Instagram page.

Tune into your five senses: See, Hear, Touch, Taste, Smell.

17. Find your personality type

Discover WHO you are and your strengths. By knowing your personality type you can discover HOW to use & access your power.

18. Ask WHY & HOW?

Ask open ended questions. These questions cause your mind to explore the inner workings of people and the world. From this exploration, you can gather ideas & create.

Stay curious

19. Explore Color Psychology

Color affects mood, style, and thoughts. Use color to spark emotion.

20. Visualize, Imagine, Dream

Daydream, think big, play mental movies.

21. Give yourself space

Space to grow. Space to think. Space to be with yourself.

22. Read

Increase your knowledge to help you make more connections in your mind, helping you create.

23. Reverse Engineer

Break down your creative ideas. Look at the end result, and piece it down into steps.

To build up, break down.

24. Listen to Music

Music influences state.

Set the vibe.

25. Breathe deeply

Fill your body with oxygen. Just as a car needs oxygen to power the engine, you must supply your body with oxygen. Breathe with your diaphragm.

Inhale, exhale.

Here’s how to creatively solve problems…

  1. Find the problem
  2. Generate solutions
  3. Pick the best one
  4. Take Action & Implement the solution
  5. Evaluate (Did it work? If not, repeat steps #1–5)

How Creativity Can Enhance Your Life

Creativity can help you:

Solve problems

Express yourself

Help others


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The PersonalDevelopmentBuddha is a Student of Life. Helping you with discovery and self-awareness through ideas, experiences, insights, and knowledge.



The Master Philosopher©️

Writing Magician✍🏽 ∞ Thought Leader💭 Philosopher𓂀🧿 Intuitive Teacher🔮 Philosophically Enlightening Minds✨ Sharing Universal Truth-Wisdom🌍