How to send Eth to multiple wallets

ICOPro Reviews
2 min readNov 14, 2018


Create a new throw way wallet. Transfer the total amount or a test amount of ETH to the wallet. If you need to send for example 1 cent to 100 wallets you will need to send $1 worth of ETH plus around $2–4 for transaction fees.

First create a list of addresses. From a spreadsheet. You will need them in comma delimited form. Use this link below to convert a list to comma form. In the example above we have 100 addresses. You will see how many addresses are pasted into Delim, remember this number.

Then goto


Put in this contract address:


Past the below into the ABI section:


Press Access and pick multisendEth from the dropdown.

Paste a list of addresses into the “addresses” list. This should just be

Select how to access the wallet. Seeing it is a throw away just use easiest method and click unlock.

SELECT your GWEI. Check to see minimum an set accordingly. I was using gwei of 3 for my testing. If it goes up right before you send it could get stuck until gwei price drops.

Once unlocked click write.

A box will popup. Here is the TOTAL eth that will be split around all accounts. So if you want to sent 20 cents to every account that would be 100 x 0.2 ($20). Once you know the total open metamask or some other converter and pretend to send eth. Put the $ amount in there to see the ETH value.

In this case it is 0.095229 ETH or $20. Which will be split around equally between all 100 accounts or however many accounts you have.
If gas limit says -1 you did something wrong.

Double check everything then click to make the magic happen. Test it first with just a few addresses. I recommend not doing more than 50 at a time. I did 105 transactions in one go sending 20 cents to each address and it worked fine.

Once you click send you can watch the transaction. It will go to the smart contract then send out from there all very quickly.

