HELIX Orange — Our Advisory Board, Jürgen Weiss

HELIX Orange
3 min readOct 25, 2018


In our first article about our Advisory Board we have presented Henri de Jong, Business Developer of Quantoz. Today we are proud to introduce Jürgen Weiss, Executive of Seal One. Jürgen is one of our greatest motivators and we appreciate both his constructive words and humorous stories coming from his broad horizon of experience.

Jürgen Weiss, Executive Seal One & Advisor of HELIX Orange

Jürgen founded NOVOSEC AG in 2001, an IT-security specialist realizing consulting and software development projects for banks and corporations to secure ecommerce platforms. Besides his work as CEO of the company, he was also active as a consultant for various security related bank projects focused on card based payment transactions and in the areas of online and mobile banking. In addition to his activity for NOVOSEC AG, in 2009 Jürgen founded Seal One AG, an innovative FinTech company specialized in the development and implementation of hard- and software based security solutions based on strong digital signatures.

Why HELIX Orange?

Jürgen answers this question as follows: “With HELIX Orange there is the chance to build a strong, regulatory conform and secure ecosystem which is a need as one option regarding financing future innovations.”

View the whole advisory board https://ico.helix-orange.com

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About HELIX Orange — Your Digital Identity Platform

HELIX Orange is a project by Blockchain HELIX AG, a german technology company, developing Digital Identity solutions on the basis of blockchain. Blockchain HELIX’ new project HELIX Orange provides a sustainable ICO marketplace connecting quality ICO projects with KYC-ready investors.

HELIX Orange is building an ecosystem for the next generation of funding and investing- the ICO economy. Based on a state-of-the-art digital identity solution, the HELIX ID and powered by a permissioned Blockchain system, HELIX Orange creates a new ecosystem of trust for all acting parties around ICOs to become the go-to platform for serious ICO investments.

The platform and the Identity Service is already in an MVP state.

For more information and insights join the HELIX Orange Telegram community: https://t.me/helixorange

Media Contact: sandra@helix-orange.com

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#GenerationICO #HELIXOrange #DigitalIdentity #Blockchain #ICOs #ICO #HIX #Crypto #Cryptoinvestment #WeBelieveInICO


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HELIX Orange

HELIX Orange is an ICO platform for the best ICOs and investors built on Blockchain technology. Join the next step of investing evolution. #GenerationICO