Why do we need to postpone the Main Sale for HELIX Orange

HELIX Orange
5 min readSep 13, 2018


We at HELIX Orange announced to start our Main Sale on the 13th September 2018. And we were quite confident to proceed as we had a couple of insights saying that the crypto market should rebound after the summer break and with a couple of encouraging news about much more mature great Blockchain projects that are in funding round right now.

However, we are sorry to say that the market is not in the condition to start our Main Sale with the given perspective on the Ethereum price. We analyzed the market with our analysts as much as possible and spoke to insiders and exchanges about the mood and the prediction for the next weeks. As an ICO has a lot to do with marketing activities and a vision to attract retail investors and crypto enthusiasts, we need to postpone our activities with the public token offering for the benefit and protection of our current investors.

So what does that mean?

First of all, we highly believe in ICO as the new investment method for startups and companies. As ICOs today are highly dependent on the Ether price, there are some background information that lead to our decision.

First of all, we see that the hype around ICOs from November 2017 and February 2018 lead to huge funding of immature projects that struggle with the investors' expectations. The analysis of Santiment (https://app.santiment.net/) shows, that we have a high exchange rate of these fundings back into fiat currency in September 2018. Last week it was about 153.500 ETH. The reason is fairly easy, those projects are losing a lot of liquidity with the decrease of the ether and they need to pay their bills. The problem is that the amount of Ether coming from these sources is huge. Regarding Santiment it is about 3 mio. ETH and even if the biggest part will hold the Ethers, there is still a rush out of crypto.

Are ICOs dead now?

For sure not. We see that a lot of projects are still successful and we see that the underlying Blockchain technology is hitting the industry worldwide to solve real-world problems and we see that the money that is spent into Blockchain projects is increasing very fast. The Blockchain part coming from the industry and the ICO world need to find common ground and that is a recalibration of the market. HELIX Orange is the ideal platform to bring all parties that want to establish a sustainable ecosystem together. So the future for us is bright and every talk that we have shows us the huge need in the market for HELIX ID and a trustful interaction.

What is HELIX Orange doing now?

Postponing the Main Sale does not mean that we sit down and wait. We are doing a lot of partnerships at the moment. We are talking to different exchanges and will announce a couple of great things very soon. We even work on new alliances that bring our vision to become the leading Identity Provider much closer to reality. On the other hand, we are talking to many institutional investors and funds at the moment that shares our mindset on we are delighted by the support of our community.

When will the Main Sale happen then?

We are observing the market with a very sharp analytic eye and every slight indication for a rebounce will get us in the Main Sale process again. We will keep you updated on our different social media channels that we highly encourage you to participate.

What happens to my investment?

No worries, everything is in place and HELIX Orange is one of the strongest projects in the ICO market. But since we are dealing with ICOs in a twofold sense, our own ICO and the ICO platform as our main product, we need to react on market conditions. All funds are 100% saved by our partner bitGO in a high secure multi-sig wallet.

Can I contribute to HELIX Orange?

Yes, you can. Get in contact with us on our telegram channel (https://t.me/helixorange) and we connect you with our sales team to discuss.

Can I support HELIX Orange?

We are focussing on building up our community even more and we strongly believe in the power of the crowd. If you want to become a part of HELIX Orange — Generation ICO, talk to us. We have community involvement and bounty campaigns on our top priority list.

Feel free to send us your feedback or share this in our Telegram group!

Do you want to know more about us and HELIX Orange? Read our whitepaper at ico.helix-orange.com, join the HELIX Orange Telegram community https://t.me/helixorange — or just talk to us: We look forward to receiving your message at sandra@helix-orange.com

About HELIX Orange — Your Digital Identity Platform

HELIX Orange is a project by Blockchain HELIX AG, a german technology company, developing Digital Identity solutions on the basis of blockchain. Blockchain HELIX’ new project HELIX Orange provides a sustainable ICO marketplace connecting quality ICO projects with KYC-ready investors.

HELIX Orange is building an ecosystem for the next generation of funding and investing- the ICO economy. Based on a state-of-the-art digital identity solution, the HELIX ID and powered by a permissioned Blockchain system, HELIX Orange creates a new ecosystem of trust for all acting parties around ICOs to become the go-to platform for serious ICO investments.

The platform and the Identity Service is already in an MVP state.

For more information and insights join the HELIX Orange Telegram community: https://t.me/helixorange

Media Contact: sandra@helix-orange.com

Our Channels — Follow us & stay informed

Website: http://ico.helix-orange.com
Telegram: https://t.me/helixorange
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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaZJVhEpSuKYm_Trzlw4OeQ
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3352978
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/HELIXOrange/
Medium: https://medium.com/@ICO_HELIXOrange
Steemit: https://steemit.com/@helixorange
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/helix-orange-generation-ico/

#GenerationICO #HELIXOrange #DigitalIdentity #Blockchain #ICOs #ICO #HIX #Crypto #Cryptoinvestment #WeBelieveInICO


The information contained in this document is not investment, legal or tax advice. This publication has the sole purpose of addressing specific topics. The publication makes no claim to completeness. Token Sale will not be open to Contributors being residents or citizens of United States, People’s Republic of China, Socialist Republic of Vietnam or Singapore. All Disclaimers in the Terms & Conditions located on ico.helix-orange.com are herein incorporated by reference, and all token sale Contributors are hereby integrated to adhere to all terms and risk disclaimers. Listing of the HIX Token is dependent on conditions of exchanges.



HELIX Orange

HELIX Orange is an ICO platform for the best ICOs and investors built on Blockchain technology. Join the next step of investing evolution. #GenerationICO