The number of IEO has exceeded 50


Primary exchange offers began to take place in 2017, but they became widespread only in the last few months. Their number in 2019 is growing exponentially

In the entire history of IEO, the number of announced, active and completed projects exceeded 50, according to ICOBench. The initial exchange offerings were launched in 2017, but they were widely distributed in early 2019, the portal tracks 16 sites that are held by crowdsales.

Most IEO held Exmarkets and Probit — 11 and 10. On the Binance platforms, 6 tokensales took place, Bittrex — 2, Kucoin, and Huobi — one by one. At the moment, 37 projects to attract funding in a similar way have been completed, 11 are underway now, 4 are being prepared for launch.

Today, four crowdsales will be held simultaneously on the Bibox platform. New coins will be distributed in the lottery format. Also, the Binance site reminded users that to participate in the IEO Matic Network, it is necessary to conclude special agreements before April 24.

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