When you say the word Startups what’s the first thought that comes to your mind?

3 min readMar 26, 2018


You are probably thinking about a very small company that is on a really tight budget and is struggling to make ends meet into a monster market where only the strong prevail.

You may also think of it as a group of Entrepreneurs and professionals that, even as a side project get together and try their best at making their own company in efforts to build something of their own…

And how about a community of Entrepreneurs and professionals where everyone that finds success gives back to the others by teaching them and mentoring them and investing time and resources on the others?

You may be surprised but the best definition of what the Startup community does is actually the last one.

How do we know this?

The team behind SprintX has actually experienced it firsthand. To explain why our project lives and breathes to help the Startup community as we know it we want to share with you a little bit about our background.

At SprintX, our founders and CEO are what one would call “self-made” Entrepreneurs and business owners. They started their business ideas without any connections or funding whatsoever, the only thing they had at that point was a dream and a strategy.

After years of hard work, a lot of creativity and a bit of luck we have been able to transform from a small Startup company into a respectable portfolio of companies that are all born with the same mentality — that no matter the size of your team and your dream, if you want it you can get it! — a very unique Startup Incubator that makes your mission our own.

And, who would’ve thought? This kind of positivity translates to everyone here. It’s like walking into a building filled with good vibes and a can-do attitude. You may notice it on Stephanie — our receptionist — when she greets you with a pleasant “Hi!”

Or you may notice it in the face of Chelisa — our Social Media Manager — when she asks “How are you?” and it’s the kind of positive attitude that time after time proves that good business is the perfect vehicle for your wildest dreams and ambitions.

Now it’s our time to give back to the community of Startups.

Our founding team now takes in other Entrepreneurs that want to launch their own companies and that are looking for support on their Startup Incubation process. Investments are not always in expressed with a Dollar symbol. Some of the best investments an Entrepreneur like this can get is mentoring, and time to discuss their idea and brainstorm ways to perfect it and make it more appealing to their market.

While taking measures with benefits that clearly outweigh the disadvantages for the Startup, you can count on our team to make the best investment in the form of funding, mentoring, and/ or guidance in the right idea ALWAYS.

Why? Because this is the type of success that is most enjoyed. The one you share with the community that supported you when no one knew who you were. The ones that gave you their time and advice for when you needed it the most without asking for a payment first. This is what separates a service from a mentor and partner. This is what makes our Startup Incubator unlike any other!

Time to take our support through new frontiers.

After mentoring many Startups, we have now come together to create the best ICO out there for people that have yet to find their community. People whose ideas are being slowed down because of conditions they can’t control and because of exceedingly high requirements from current financial systems that seem to not be willing to take risks for the right team and the right idea.

This is our reason for existence and one that fuels us to do our best every day. Because in the end. It’s not just OUR project. It’s everyone else’s and even YOURS too.





SprintX is a platform based on blockchain that helps entrepreneurs and start-ups to succeed.