ICP Meetup: Bridging Web2 and Web3 Unleashes Innovation in the Philippines

ICP HUB Philippines
3 min readFeb 20, 2024

PASAY CITY, PHILIPPINES — The ”ICP Meetup: Bridging Web2 and Web3 for Philippine Innovation” event, held as part of the Philippine Blockchain Week on September 19, 2023, at the Marriott Grand Ballroom in Pasay City, marked a significant milestone in the worlds of blockchain and technology. With a focus on connecting the present (Web2) and the future (Web3), the event aimed to ignite innovation within the Philippines’ digital landscape.

A Visionary Start

The event commenced with a powerful address by Modern Mulan, Growth Lead for ICP.Hub Philippines, a web3-focused content creator, who passionately articulated her vision of propelling the Philippines into the digital age. Her inspiring words set the tone for the discussions and interactions that would follow.

Introducing Web3 and ICP

Nelson Lumbres, Co-founder of ICP.Hub Philippines, took the stage to provide an introduction to the Internet Computer Protocol (ICP). He laid out the history of Web3 for those new to the concept and emphasized ICP’s role in enhancing computation and data storage through blockchain technology.

Keynote Insights

The heart of the event featured presentations from leading companies within the Web3 space. Notable speakers included Vincent Tio from the Philippine Digital Asset Exchange (PDAX), who highlighted PDAX’s innovative Crypto-as-a-service offering, and Vish Sadhwani from Coins.ph, who underscored their vital role in cryptocurrency adoption and remittances.

Eli Becislao, Managing Director of The BLOKC, encouraged attendees to expand their Web3 knowledge through workshops and discussions, while Coach Miranda Miner shared insights on “Current Trends and
Opportunities in Crypto.” Kristian Quirapas, the founder and CEO of Vulcanic Labs, passionately urged the Philippines to embrace the Web3 revolution and pondered the nation’s destiny in shaping the global
Web3 landscape.

Various Web3 entities, including DvCode’s CEO Eliezer Rabadon presented on-stage, ChibiClash, and Uniquecorn Strategies’ Blockceler8, showcased their platforms and their potential to onboard Web2 users, fostering the growth of Web3.

Insightful Panel Discussions

The event featured two thought-provoking panel discussions:

Panel 1: The Future of Blockchain and Web3 in Emerging Markets delved into the role of the Philippines in the world of Web3. The panelists emphasized the country’s potential as a significant player in the global Web3 landscape, showcasing the diverse adoption of blockchain and Web3 use cases within the nation.

Panel 2: Investing in Web3: Opportunities and Risks explored the intricacies of investing in the Web3 space. The key takeaway was the importance of due diligence and focusing on projects that offer real-world solutions and continue to evolve.

Opportunities and Capabilities:

The Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) offers Filipinos a multitude of opportunities within the Web3 space, including smart contracts, decentralized identity, enhanced data management, improved internet
services, and strong support for Web3 projects.

Looking Ahead

ICP.Hub Philippines will continue to engage with the Filipino tech community through regional meetups and hackathons. Stay updated on their exciting developments through their social media channels.

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, the “ICP Meetup” event stands as a beacon of insight into the opportunities and challenges of Web3. The Philippines is poised to play a pivotal role in the global Web3
revolution, and this event has undoubtedly paved the way for innovation and transformation in the nation’s digital landscape.

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