IDEAS 💡- Ethereum Migration Completed! Claim Your IDEAS!

2 min readNov 2, 2022


IDEAS is on the Ethereum blockchain

Dear All,
Today was a big day for IDEAS!
We have deployed the ERC20 version of IDEAS.

Our new contract address is:

Link on EtherScan:

Today we’ve unlocked the liquidity of the old BEP20 IDEAS (as announced before), and we’ve saved all the holders’ data.
We have converted the BNB liquidity to Ethereum, all the numbers are posted in the Telegram group.

Claim Your Airdrop!

We have launched the airdrop for the old holders to claim their tokens plus the rewards.
We’ll add the liquidity to the ERC20 token after a good amount of users claim their tokens (should take 24 hours).

Unfortunately, we can’t make the old BEP20 IDEAS untradeable, as this option isn’t implemented in the smart contract of IDEAS,
so it will stay there, but without a project, as we are totally moving to the new ERC20 IDEAS.

How to claim your tokens:

1- Enter this link:

2- Connect your wallet, it’ll read your address, and if you have tokens to claim it’ll show you the claim button.

3- Click Claim and confirm the transaction, you need to have 3$ to 4$ in fees for the transaction.

Done, after confirmation you should receive your tokens.
Please, claim your tokens as soon as possible, this will shorten the time we wait to deploy the liquidity.

Good luck, and welcome to the Ethereum blockchain.




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