What to do when you have a million dollar idea?

IG2N IT Services
2 min readSep 8, 2016


Imagine this: You have an exciting idea that will change the way a particular industry works online…. or an app that could be a next revolution.

What is the first thing you do, apart from discussing it with your friends or mentors?
Research! to check if something similar is already available and how different is your solution to a particular problem.

Then you tend to bounce your thought process to a developer n understand the cost estimation. Based on the complexity of the web or app, you are provided an approximate quote by the developer. This generally, tends to increase as you fine tune your business model, add more features to the web or app and therefore there are possibilities that you end up paying double than anticipated.

So, when you decide to kickstart your complex web project, be sure to spend ample time on the early steps. We have put together these five basic steps that will help you streamline your project in the long run. Read ‘em!

1. Outline everything you know about the project parameters.

When you decide to speak with teams, firms and agencies of different types and sizes, this document is critical in establishing scope and estimating costs upfront.

2. Freeze on good collaborators.

A good team of developers and designers will make things easier right from the beginning. A successful collaborative project starts with a clear scope-of-work document.

3. Once you begin working with the desired agency or developer, utilize their experience to structure the design and development process, this will allow you to create a framework for the months of work to come.

4. Set the scope and follow an organized process from start to finish. Strong project management on both client and contractor sides is also critical (Slack and Trello are some good tools to manage your project timelines).

5. Keep a track of milestones to be achieved during the project. Have a clear sense of what questions to ask and how to stage things, right down to weekly or daily meetings.

What we mentioned above is no rocket science, but common sense and sometimes we forget these basic things in our excitement. No project outline is perfect, of course, and you will hit speed bumps along the way. The real trick is to anticipate as much as possible and develop mechanisms to adjust course and tackle unexpected issues.




IG2N IT Services

#Website design, #App design, #Product & #Business #Branding and a #Digital #Marketing Agency. Based in Lonon, UK. Feel free to contact us on 02038574817