7 min readNov 4, 2019


IGT Company has released the advanced API for traders and algorithmic bots which allows to sufficiently expand IGT-CRYPTO’s infrastructure by making it possible to automatize the trades whether you are an individual trader, a hedge fund, or a platform that uses IGT-CRYPTO as a liquidity aggregator.

This is also a step towards the transparency of trades and volumes as CoinMarketCap services also use API to track all the statistics on the platform.

The IGT-CRYPTO API is designed to allow access to all of the features of the IGT-CRYPTO platform. The end goal is to allow users to create trading platforms on their own to create highly customized and advanced trading strategies.

The IGT-CRYPTO API is based on speed — our ultimate goal is to provide our traders the fastest access to the market possible to avoid slippage or any other issues related to the delays from the part of the trading broker. That’s why we come up with an elegant yet simple solution — we only send the required data, usually in the form of lists. Our Node.js library supports serializing of the data, if you prefer to use properties.

Public API

This API does not require the use of authorization and is available using a GET request.

In general, the URL for accessing the API is as follows{api_name}?{api_params} where api_name is the name of the API that is being accessed and api_params are the incoming parameters request (if necessary)

Description of methods:

List of deals for currency pair

Method name:tradesRequest Type:GETIncoming parameters:pair — one or more comma-separated currency pairs (example BTC_USD, BTC_EUR)Example of use: value:

"BTC_USD": [
"trade_id": 3,
"type": "sell",
"price": "100",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": "100",
"date": 1435488248

Description of fields:

trade_id — transaction ID

type — transaction type

price — transaction price

quantity — number of transaction

amount — transaction amount

date — date and time of the transaction in Unix format

Order book for currency pair

Method name:order-bookRequest Type:GETIncoming parameters:

pair — one or more comma-separated currency pairs (example BTC_USD, BTC_EUR)

Example of use: api/public/order-book/?pair=BTC_USDReturn value:

"BTC_USD": {
"ask_quantity": "3",
"ask_amount": "500",
"ask_top": "100",
"bid_quantity": "1",
"bid_amount": "99",
"bid_top": "99",
"ask": [[100,1,100],[200,2,400]],
"bid": [[99,1,99]]

Description of fields:

ask_quantity — volume of all sell orders

ask_amount — amount of all sell orders

ask_top — minimum sale price

bid_quantity — volume of all purchase orders

bid_amount — amount of all purchase orders

bid_top — maximum purchase price

bid — list of 100 purchase orders, where each row is a price, quantity and amount

ask — list of 100 sell orders, where each row is a price, quantity and amount

Statistics of prices and trading volumes by currency pairs

Method name:tickerRequest Type:GETIncoming parameters:AbsentExample of use: api/public/tickerReturn value:

"BTC_USD": {
"buy_price": "589.06",
"sell_price": "592",
"last_trade": "591.221",
"high": "602.082",
"low": "584.51011695",
"avg": "591.14698808",
"vol": "167.59763535",
"vol_curr": "99095.17162071",
"updated": 1470250973

Description of fields:

high — maximum transaction price in 24 hours

low — minimum transaction price in 24 hours

avg — average transaction price for 24 hours

vol — volume of all transactions in 24 hours

vol_curr — amount of all transactions in 24 hours

last_trade — last transaction price

buy_price — current maximum purchase price

sell_price — current minimum sale price

updated — update date and time

Exchange Currency List

Method name:currencyRequest Type:GETIncoming parameters:AbsentExample of use: api/public/currencyReturn value:


Private API

Authorization is required to access this API and you must use the POST method.

POST data must be sent in the format “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”.

In general, the URL for accessing the API is as follows{api_name} where api_name is the name of the API that is being accessed

Authorization is performed by sending the following headers to the server:

List of active pairs: btcusd, btceur, eurusd, ltcusd, ltceur, ltcbtc, ethusd, etheur, ethbtc, bchusd, bcheur, bchbtc

X-Access-Token — Token, you need to take the user profile settings (example: 9TQDSBmIqocf9GLReKgVMDxpQlZ3iNnl)

X-Access-Sign — POST data (param=val&param1=val1), signed by the private key using the HMAC-SHA512 method, the private key must also be taken in the user profile settings

Description of methods:

User balance

Method name:balanceRequest Type:POSTIncoming parameters:AbsentExample of use: value:

"status": 1
"usd": 66.00,
"eur": 0,
"btc": 0.9600000000,
"xrp": 0,
"ltc": 0,
"eth": 0,
"bch": 0

Description of fields:

status — response status

data — array of balances, where the key is the currency, and the value is the sum of the balance in this currency

Transaction list

Method name:transaction-listRequest Type:POSTIncoming parameters:

page — (optional) sampling page, default is 100 entries

Example of use: value:

"status": 1
"order_id": 1164,
"from": btc,
"to": usd,
"gave": 0.0200000000,
"got": 155.1756000000,
"fee": 0.7744000000,
"created_at": 2019-06-13 17:21:04,
"type": market,
"operation": sell,
"status": done

Description of fields:

order_id — application id

from — returned currency

to — currency received

gave — gave the amount

got — got the amount

fee — commission

created_at — application creation date

type — type of application

operation — type of transaction

status — application status

Active orders

Method name:active-ordersRequest Type:POSTIncoming parameters:

page — (optional) sampling page, default is 100 entries

Example of use: value:

"status": 1
"order_id": 1165,
"from": btc,
"to": usd,
"gave": 0.0200000000,
"got": 155.1756000000,
"fee": 0.7744000000,
"created_at": 2019-06-13 17:21:04,
"type": limit,
"operation": sell,
"status": progress

Description of fields:

order_id — application id

from — returned currency

to — currency received

gave — gave the amount

got — got the amount

fee — commission

created_at — application creation date

type — type of application

operation — type of transaction

status — application status

Order Status

Method name:order-statusRequest Type:POSTIncoming parameters:

id — (required parameter) order identifier

Example of use: value:

"status": 1
"order_id": 1165,
"from": btc,
"to": usd,
"gave": 0.0200000000,
"got": 155.1756000000,
"fee": 0.7744000000,
"created_at": 2019-06-13 17:21:04,
"type": limit,
"operation": sell,
"status": progress

Description of fields:

order_id — application id

from — returned currency

to — currency received

gave — gave the amount

got — got the amount

fee — commission

created_at — application creation date

type — type of application

operation — type of transaction

status — application status

Cancel order

Method name:cancel-orderRequest Type:POSTIncoming parameters:

id — (required parameter) order identifier

Example of use: value:

"status": 1
"result": true

Description of fields:

result — the result of the application

Cancel all orders

Method name:cancel-all-ordersRequest Type:POSTIncoming parameters:AbsentExample of use: value:

"status": 1
"1158": true

Description of fields:

data — The array of canceled orders, where the key is the ticket identifier, and the value is the result of the action

Buy limit order

Method name:buy-limitRequest Type:POSTIncoming parameters:

pair — (required parameter) currency pair

price — (required) price

count — (required) quantity

Example of use: value:

"status": 1
"id": 1166

Description of fields:

id — claim identifier

Sell ​​limit order

Method name:sell-limitRequest Type:POSTIncoming parameters:

pair — (required parameter) currency pair

price — (required) price

count — (required) quantity

Example of use: value:

"status": 1
"id": 1166

Description of fields:

id — claim identifier

Buy market order

Method name:buy-marketRequest Type:POSTIncoming parameters:

pair — (required parameter) currency pair

count — (required) quantity

Example of use: value:

"status": 1
"id": 1166

Description of fields:

id — claim identifier

Sell ​​market order

Method name:sell-marketRequest Type:POSTIncoming parameters:

pair — (required parameter) currency pair

count — (required) quantity

Example of use: value:

"status": 1
"id": 1166

Description of fields:

id — claim identifier

Output request history

Method name:withdrawal-historyRequest Type:POSTIncoming parameters:AbsentExample of use: value:

"status": 1
"id": 4,
"currency": btc,
"address": 32SeVfRzxKygQWRaFsj3DsCtqg7rwtMmvw,
"amount": 0.1000000000,
"fee": 0.02,
"hash": null

Description of fields:

id — claim identifier

currency — bid currency

address — address of the recipient

amount — bid amount

fee — commission

hash — transaction hash

Request for output BTC

Method name:btc-withdrawalRequest Type:POSTIncoming parameters:

amount — (required) withdrawal amount

address — (required parameter) recipient’s address

Example of use: value:

"status": 1
"id": 5

Description of fields:

id — claim identifier

Request for output LTC

Method name:ltc-withdrawalRequest Type:POSTIncoming parameters:

amount — (required) withdrawal amount

address — (required parameter) recipient’s address

Example of use: value:

"status": 1
"id": 5

Description of fields:

id — claim identifier

Request for output ETH

Method name:eth-withdrawalRequest Type:POSTIncoming parameters:

amount — (required) withdrawal amount

address — (required parameter) recipient’s address

Example of use: value:

"status": 1
"id": 5

Description of fields:

id — claim identifier

Request for output BCH

Method name:bch-withdrawalRequest Type:POSTIncoming parameters:

amount — (required) withdrawal amount

address — (required parameter) recipient’s address

Example of use: value:

"status": 1
"id": 5

Description of fields:

id — claim identifier

Request for output EUR

Method name:eur-withdrawalRequest Type:POSTIncoming parameters:

amount — (required) withdrawal amount

iban — (required) recipient iban

bankSwiftCode — (required parameter) swift code of the recipient

Example of use: value:

"status": 1
"id": 5

Description of fields:

id — claim identifier

BTC address

Method name:btc-addressRequest Type:POSTIncoming parameters:AbsentExample of use: value:

"status": 1
"address": 3NkJKHTk7AM21rfUCSa9RFemgUNFNceks6

Description of fields:

address — user purse to replenish

LTC address

Method name:ltc-addressRequest Type:POSTIncoming parameters:AbsentExample of use: value:

"status": 1
"address": 3NkJKHTk7AM21rfUCSa9RFemgUNFNceks6

Description of fields:

address — user purse to replenish

ETH address

Method name:eth-addressRequest Type:POSTIncoming parameters:AbsentExample of use: value:

"status": 1
"address": 3NkJKHTk7AM21rfUCSa9RFemgUNFNceks6

Description of fields:

address — user purse to replenish

BCH address

Method name:bch-addressRequest Type:POSTIncoming parameters:AbsentExample of use: value:

"status": 1
"address": 3NkJKHTk7AM21rfUCSa9RFemgUNFNceks6

Description of fields:

address — user purse to replenish

Data to replenish SEPA (eur)

Method name:eur-addressRequest Type:POSTIncoming parameters:AbsentExample of use: value:

"status": 1
"bankCode": 777555333,
"accountNumber": 777555333

Description of fields:

bankCode — Bank code

accountNumber — Account number

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IGT Company unites professionals who came to the field of blockchain from the classical financial market ✅