5 Things Every Traveling Parent Feels When Leaving Their Kid

3 min readMar 14, 2016


As parents we love nothing more than being with our kids. But sometimes duty calls and the open road is calling our name. When a parent needs to leave their children for any amount of time, they’ll be experiencing a lot of feelings. Traveling for business or any other reason without your child tagging along may seem like a less stressful scenario, but in reality the opposite can be true. Any traveling parent can attest to the fact that leaving children behind even if only for a few days can give you a myriad of feelings.

Here are 5 common feelings when leaving your kids at home while you travel. Don’t worry, you aren’t alone.

Stress — Leaving your child is stressful, and this rings true whether you’re leaving them with a sitter for the day or with relatives for a week! The stress that parents feel when traveling without their child is relentless, and even the smallest questions or concerns can seem like massive ones dogging you at every turn.

Worry — When you’re away, you’re not quite sure what your kids are up to, if they’re alright, or when you’ll be in contact again. All these unknowns can cause a lot of worry, even when they’re left with their grandparents, a spouse, or another very trusted relative. Worry is a normal part of leaving your children while traveling, but it’s also a very harrowing one you wish you could escape.

Homesickness — Home is where your children are, and leaving them while traveling seems to make you feel even more homesick than you would’ve felt before having children. While you’re on business or having fun, you’ll be thinking about home and how you can’t wait to get back to the little ones you love so much.

Guilt — When children don’t want you to leave, you’ll feel guilty, and remembering them all throughout your trip will leave you feeling even guiltier. If you’re traveling for business, you may be able to rationalize this guilt by reminding yourself that you’re away to do what is best for them and providing what they need, but this may be a little different when it comes to vacations or weekend trips away. If you’re having fun during your trip, you may find that you feel even worse when you catch yourself having a good time without them there.

Excitement — Watching TV alone, a big bed with no nighttime visitors, ahh, the joys of traveling alone. While the excitement might be present when you are packing up and knowing you are going to get away for a few days, the part we are always most excited about is when your trip starts to wind down and you know you get to come home to their smiling faces soon! While, before children, the time to go home may have been the “drag”, after children it becomes one of the best parts of the experience!

What do you feel when you leave your kids at home?

