7 Feelings Anyone Who Lives Far Away From Their Family Has Regularly

3 min readFeb 11, 2016


There are so many reasons why life may take you away from the family you love, and those living far away from their families are prone to having certain feelings others may not understand.

Here are some of the most common feelings for those to experience when living far away from family.

1. Regret — Sometimes people who live far away from their families may feel regret mainly revolving around their move in general. Sure, that job opportunity was amazing, and perhaps you know you’re doing the best you can for your future and even your family’s future, but you can’t help but sit back sometimes and regret moving away from home. When you see those you love hitting milestones on social media or hearing about it over the phone, you’re going to wish you were there.

2. Guilt — Those who move far away from their families may also feel guilt that they can’t be there for the ones they love when they need them most. If a family member winds up in the hospital, you can’t drive up and be there for them, and you may start to feel guilty about not being able to be there when those you love need you.

3. Obligated — Of course you want to see your family, but you can also sometimes feel obligated as well. You may feel obligated to use all of your vacation time from work spending time in your hometown, rather than seeing the world or taking a trip to a favorite relaxation spot you don’t visit often.

4. Loneliness — If you’re in a town far away from home and far away from your family, you can start to feel lonely. You don’t have the same support system there to sit and be in your company when you need it, which can leave you feeling all alone.

5. Angry — When hearing co­workers or friends complain about the annoyances of their families, it can leave you feeling angry. You think about how badly you miss your own, and what you’d do to see them right now, which can make hearing others vent about their minor family annoyances a bit aggravating.

6. Unsure — Missing your family can also leave you feeling unsure, and questioning whether or not you’ve made the right decision to move away. This lack of sureness can fog the picture a bit and cause you to lose sight of why you moved away in the first place.

7. Grateful — Lastly, living far away from your family can also make you feel strangely grateful. Those little gestures from your family from far away, or those things your friends do to make you feel more at home in your new location, can really begin to mean the world!

Do you live away from your family? How do you stay connected?

